Thank you Quak for being so generous here with us newbies and for saying lovely things xx
I have a confession

that extra inch... is with heels heheh but ssushh no one will know!
I think as with cali, I am a little worried about the future, but day by day, and seeing people maintaining once they introduce food, or at least balancing keeps me from panicing too much. (look at me talking as if I will lose it all.. its because I WILL!) hehe
I tried to train myself a little while before the diet, and was very limiting in the carbs I ate, tried to avoid bread too. I know like you mentioned some people don't like the atkins way, but I think within myself , when I first started to cut carbs, I felt better within myself and my moods stabilised, if that makes sense

rather than having a rush of sugars and insulin. I think it is because your body doesnt hit highs and lows caused by them. So I think it is definitely the way for me to go.
You see.. before this diet.. I was on a more extreme stupid must lose weight mindset. running, doing 2 hours of exercise a night, swimming.. and restricting my diet big style.. It was so stupid and so dangerous..
Living as a FAT woman now, is nothing compared to the road all we heavy plump lumpy ladies and and gentlemen of loveliness have to walk before we accept ourselves.
Even now, while I debate whether to share this photo with you all those odd insecurities rise up... its so silly as I am still rather big, but looking back I feel protective of who I used to be...
My journey to Va VA Voom started many years ago, and I am more than certain it will take many more... if only in gettnig my mind to figure it out
So here, laying my heart bare to you, and to myself, as I need too.... please meet your Short and Dumpy One, 'Then, Now and After' .... the frame will remain blank for the after.. that's a path I still haven't found my way on yet. But thanks to this support I am treading...
heheh forgive the arty farty picture.. I got bored
