The Minimins Running Team - Runaholics Anonymous

9.8 miles at 10.08 wooooooop x
I need to unsubsribe from this thread - it's making me depressed!!

Well done guys!! xx

Aww hope you're ok!! It feels rubbish when you're stopped from running. I took my friend out for her first run in 3 weeks last night.
How did your friend do?

I've had a good running week, total of 15 miles...3 x 3 miles and this morning, 6.2 miles. It was slow (av 11.11 min miles) but the same pace as last week although further, hillier and my av heart rate was lower so I must be getting fitter.

It's the first run of six miles (and over an hour) that I've done in a year. V pleased and feels like a proper "long" run :)
Well done on the good run! Are you on Strava??
She did really well! We got round 5k in under 30 mins?!?! I wanted an easy run so even surprised myself.
All this talk of marathons is making me want to sign-up for one.

I'm thinking maybe the Liverpool rocknroll one in June...? Gives me time to prepare before I start a training programme... But then I'm also like, welllll... do i just sign up for the Manchester marathon in April..? There's still time to do a good load of training between now and then isn't there?
The training plans are usually 16-18 weeks long. I'm 18 weeks out from Brighton yesterday, so am starting my training schedule this week.

I'm not on strava at the mo but am on garmin connect and I think I can import my runs into strava so may sign up.

The rock n roll marathons are supposed to be great fun (if expensive!)

Well done on the 5k :)
Thanks. I've signed up for a half marathon.
Saving a marathon for another time, get a few more races and medals :) under my wing first.
Which one have you signed up for? I'm doing Bath on 1st March.

A nice run this eve, although mostly in the dark! 4.7 miles, av pace 10.39 :)
I'm doing the great north weta half marathon in Blackpool :) 5.4 miles in tonight
First run back tonight to test out how my foot is. Aiming to do 2 miles at least and see how I get on. Maybe a third but no more than that. Expecting to be slow!!!

One week behind on my plan but my podiatrist has told me to chill out a bit and to be more flexible. Got a diary today to keep a training log - here goes nothing!!! xx
Impressed myself that I went out last night for a 3 mile run. Was hard work though!! Seems to have been a while since I last got out.
How many races have you done now lil? I'm looking to get a marathon in end of this year, start of next year but worried I haven't got enough races in really. Need more half marathons i think. Get me used to distance.
Me!! Avoiding the gym....

5k for me! Off to do 30DS now!


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Niceee! I managed 4.4 slow miles last night, averaged about 10.30 mile pacing, which for a training run is actually fine lol but i just felt lazy going so slowly. Foot seems to be managing, going to try and get another massage in soon though i think
True!! I'm working on 10k and half marathon times at the moment, trying to improve speed before Marathon training begins in the winter months....

I've got my eye on a new watch... Tempted to wait until running fever starts to die off a little bit as the prices may come down some more... But at the same time... I WANT IT NOW!!!!!