The Minimins Running Team - Runaholics Anonymous

I need a 10k to train for too Lauren, I also think that's very wise on the half front, besides 10k will help towards the next half if you continue to train :)
I'm doing the bupa Manchester 10k in may. It's giving me something to aim for.
We managed a very slow 4.5 but god it was hard! Calves still sore from tues but at least both of us were in the same boat!
Hello all, *Subscribing* for a nosy....I just bought a treadmill and really want to get into my running so will be stalking for tips etc.
Welcome to the runners thread! day next Friday and I shall be signing up to the 10k in March! Eeek! 5 weeks left to train.....

Also decided on the 25km/15 mile run end of June. Two of us doing it so far we have to raise £145 each eeeek! Scary as if we don't raise it we may not be allowed to run :-/ apparently people make about £600 each not many people didn't meet their target last year so I have a feeling it's a butt load of marketing for me and my friend lol. So Facebook page, Just Giving page, sponsor form at work and slimming world....anyone got any fundraising ideas??? It's for a hospice in my hometown...I suppose they may put a poster up at the hospice in case family members of patients want to donate??? I dunno if they do that in a hospice but they will be contacting me to send me a fundraising pack etc

Eeek exciting. Will get to my 100miles in no time! Lol
Evening all, nice to see a new face, HI!!!!!

So we managed 3.5 miles this afternoon in a respectable 36.56mins so an average 10.31 min mile.

Not bad considering fri's run was so awful! We have both decided that we want to start running at the weekend to help our training and to look for a 10k to train towards.

One thing that was fab during today's run was getting to the top of a hill for the first time, and my friend couldn't, which makes it all the more fab! ;)
I'm doing a new route at midday tomorrow! 10k around Salcey Forest in Hanslope

Yup...running around this beast of a forest!!

We are signing up to the 10k race next Friday so wanted to do a dry run and also then start building to being able to run the 15mile race in June. Time to step it up! I find running the same route makes you automatically unable to push much further so this should help test and break those limits we think we have when running our normal day to day route.

Exciiiiited lol. Only me could get excited about a long horrific run! :p
I'm almost better after a hideous chest infection. I've been waiting till my wheeze has gone and am hoping I might manage a test run Sunday.

Think I'll do a 3k and see how my lungs manage! I'm a bit worried about how bad I'll be after a fortnight of no running - I'd got up to 8k.

Has anyone else had an enforced break and did you manage to get back to your previous fitness quite quickly?
I admit it took me a little while after my break...I had to go every other day for just over a week to feel the same fitness level as before which I found so tough to get back into! Doesn't help with this weather either. Am looking forward to March when it's lighter and hopefully less cold and wet!
That's not so bad then. I thought maybe a couple of 3km and 5km and then after another fortnight try a longer run. Does that sound reasonable? Thanks for your help.

I've been paranoid about going out at least 2x a week (usually 3x) and leaving no more than 4 days gap as I didn't want to struggle but this cough has been properly on my chest and I know it's the one time not to run!
Did it in 1hr 11mins but we went at a laid back pace because we wanted to distance train and not exhaust :) definitely want to beat this now and get it to an hour!!

We ran the whole time except for when original route was flooded so stopped suddenly then turned around and carried on. That was the only sort of stop/on the spot dancing lol.

Burned 803 calories, bluddy amazing! Running 10k again next Saturday I loved it