The Minimins Running Team - Runaholics Anonymous

Just started a 12 week half marathon training program, so 4 miles done this morning!! Intervals - forgotten how taxing they are!!!

Running is getting colder so ordered running gloves, headband and stopwatch for the speed training days.

Total: 47.7 miles
Back running after my chest infection last night, out in the rain and it felt great. I managed 4.5km in (*mumbles* 50 mins) but had to walk a bit as although my legs were fine I was still coughing. :(

I came home to a bath and then a baked apple with mincemeat and ice cream as has a hexb left.
Aaahhh well done!!! Hope you're feeling re-motivated!!

I'm running 3 miles before weigh in tomorrow - always helps to shed a half pound and sets me up for the day!! :)
Useful to know it makes a difference weight wise! I've got a class that's almost running distance away that I might run to in the summer (I'd have to get a bus back!!)
For me it does!! It just makes me feel good too though especially if I feel like I'm gonna get bad news, because I'll have started my day well and I don't feel deflated :) so it's more psychological for me when I've had a gain :) the weight loss helps! I always am heaviest first thing in morning and there's been many a time that a good run has seemingly lost me that 1-2lb gain I shouldn't have :p

I Jist signed up to the race and realised I clicked the 5k lmao :( annoyed with myself!! Have emailed them asking if I can sign up to the 10k and get my money back for the first one. Idiot!!! Lol
I always check for Milton Keynes races and also hear of other races from friends :) the Runners magazine is good for news too.

Lovely people have switched me to the 10k and asked me to donate the £6 owed to Macmillan on the day :) bless em!! So all set for the 10k!!

Am running 3 miles tomorrow, following the training plan from Nike+. 2 miles at a comfortable pace then the final mile at a fast pace. Eeeek can't wait!! Is exciting to run when you have a plan to stick to!
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3 miles run this morning - 2mi at a comfortable pace with the final mile at a fast pace. Ouch but AMAZING! Makes a huge difference doing speed running!

Me and my friend are running 6 miles again tomorrow =D cannot wait!! Got 7 days off left and am gonna get as much 'work' in as possible! ^.^

Total: 50.7 miles
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4 miles run this morning in the rain!!! Yuck. But glad my exercise is done!

Tomorrow is rest day, then it's 3 miles on Tuesday running the last mile at a fast pace. Love this speed training =)

Total: 54.7 miles
I have the Nike+ Running app, there's a new feature on there called 'coach' and you pick what main distance you want to train for and it gives you goals and techniques to do them set days of the week :) don't always keep to the suggested day but am off work this week so have the time :) it's great!

Sounds good! I may have to look at that one.

I managed my 5k today with minimal coughing/walking so I'm happy that I've not entirely lost my (newish) ability to run. Huzzah!
Oh well done you! Had a good read about training and the how just doing what I'm doing us ok but won't get me the results as fast as if I stuck to a 'plan' as such. Really need to start getting out at the weekends and attempting at least 3 runs a week as twice just isn't enough!

Saying that it's meant to rain non stop here all week!
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Yup been raining here too! Luckily we got back from our 3 mile walk yesterday just as it started to rain, and I did my 3 mile run this morning when the sun was still out!!

Total: 57.7 miles
Sigh, went to docs today and been given antibiotics for my chest infection and told not to run until at least the weekend. I'm bored of this cough! I also got told to stay off work tomorrow so a lazy day it is.