The Minimins Running Team - Runaholics Anonymous

That's amazing Ellie, well done.

I just started training for my second marathon this week so need to do another 3 miles when I get home from work tonight and before my parents come round for dinner.

It's not until Sept so ages yet! Feels weird following such a strict plan again though!!x
God I hope so! So after posting I decided to go and plot that 700m and my 5yr old saw me about to leave and was desperate to come, we warmed up together and off we set, bless him he did ok until the hill which I deliberately chose because the run in PT has a mahoosive one! We walked some of the hill but ran all the way back down and back to our driveway, I looked at Mapmyrun which said it was bang on 700m, couldn't quite believe it! We carried on the playing fields and I lapped it to get it up to a mile whilst he played, it was an ok 11.30 minute mile considering I had him with me and we walked a bit! I'll go by myself and see what I can get it down too but that's my new mile at home that I want to totally smash in time ;)
I'd love to do London! I didn't get the ballot this year, nobody I know did. It's so tough!

I did Paris last year and it was fab!! Doing Berlin in sept and after that I think I'll keep trying to do london but haven't much hope to be honest. It seems impossible.

I've heard great things about Brighton :)

Lucy - you're on fire!! Carry your lovely 5 year old and use him as weights?! Lol xx
I was thinking of posting my running plan for the week, the same way I plan my food for the day. Hoping it will make me accountable!!!

This week my plan is;
Mon - 3mi jog
Tues - 5mi build up
Thurs - 5mi build up
Sat - 7.5 comfortable

I did 3 miles earlier today. It was so windy!!!! xx
So I've got my second pt tomorrow but I was thinking of going for a run today. I would never be able to run 3 miles without stopping anyway so I was looking at a 10 week 5k plan which says alternate running and walking for 2 minutes or something, should I go for it? I can't have sore muscles badly after a bit of running can I?
Oh my god I want to die! PT was so hard! I did a joint session with my friend who happens to be the PT's sister and i'm sure he pushed us harder, I thought it would be easier, he sure is a pro!
After warm up we did 3 sets of running to the garage and back, maybe 200metres but individual sprint sessions whilst the other was on the rowing machine, then abs, then the bike, then the 'Quarry Run' which was 350m and it was a race but because i'm a faster runner than my friend we had to it once, then back on the bike and then run again to see who took longer on the second run and I lost! I took 17 secs longer second time and she only took 10 so I need to work on that! Basically it was an hour of hell!!!
Hi All :)

I am a newbie to SW! I am a runner too. I do the weekly park run and have a 8.5 mile fun run to look forward to in June. Look forward to chatting xx
Awww that's class. I really would love to do park run more but I usually do my long run on a Saturday. I def plan on doing more after sept. Try and get a bit faster maybe!

I stuck to every run last week! Woo! This week's plan is...
Mon - 3 mi jog
Tues - 5 mi build up
Thurs - 5mi build up
Sat - 7.5 comfortable

Total = 20.5

I did 6.2 miles on Monday as part of the Belfast marathon relay so counting that instead of Tuesday's 5 miles. Didn't get a chance to run today after work so will do 3 miles tomorrow before or after work instead
So good to see this board still in use :)
I really need to get my mojo back post Paris marathon and pre summer holiday... feels like evrything has turned to jelly and gained 10lbs pretty quickly and pretty easily!!!
Have you signed up to anything Jen?

I did another week on plan! Yay! Hit all my mileage for last week albeit a little differently than planned...
Mon 2nd - 6.2 mi fast (Belfast marathon relay - 1st leg)
Wed - 4.3 mi comfortable
Fri - 3.1 fast
Sun - 7.5mi comfortable
Total = 21.1

This week we are away from Fri - Sun as my fiance is doing an adventure race. I'm the "support crew" so lots of driving and helping, no time for training! So this week's plan is slightly rejigged;
Mon 9th - 3 mi jog
Tues or Wed - 5 mi fast
Fri - 10 mi comfortable
Sun - 5 mi fast

Total = 23
Not signed up for anything yet, and only got 1 little 3 miler in last week, my motivation to run at the moment is appalling!? I have great manchester run a week on Sunday so need to book my ideas up. I have weigh-in tonight but tomorrow is looking pretty free for a run.
My motivation to get out running again is also terrible. BUT.... I have offered to help out on Sunday with my local running club so i'm marshalling the first organised 10k run near to us and its quite a big thing. I think over 250 runners so its important they all go the right way!

Secretly I'm hoping the buzz gives me the massive kick up the backside that I need and then I re-join the running club come monday. I WILL DO IT!!!!!
I like jogging. Especially the satisfaction you feel when you've finished. My only problem is, is that my Achilles swell and can be very painful. I am hoping to start light runs when I've lost another 2 stonex
My personal trainer says I need to start running again, NOW! I'm lucky to have 1 session per week as not only do I work, have a 5 year old and a 7 month old but my hubby works a rotating shift pattern. All it takes is one wrong thing like last week and I miss it and then skip a week which means no exercise for a week! I need to sit down and find some 'me' time.

My trouble is I love my evenings with hubby, either when he's on his days off or after work, relaxing on the sofa catching up with a box set or something when in reality I need to be running then, even just for 30mins!

Must make a plan......