The 'No drinking on a school night' thread

No way!!! Bunch of bloody lushes!
Aye, don't think the odds would have been that good anyway Bren. ;)

*goes off to polish halo*
You're all terrible influences on me (?!)
Actually it's lucky DH is looking after his liver - he didn't even mention wine to go with our yummy steaks last night ;)
i'll be good after enforced on me anyway, start nights on thursday for 5...that'll stop me!
I have to report half a bottle of wine and 2 very large irish last night - but at least I slept well xxxxxxx
Well done hun, it was looking a bit neglected - so it's a yep from me, sounds like a plan - and roll on the weekends LOL.
Can I join? Finding it difficult to turn a glass of wine down now the weather's getting warmer.
JEEPERS! Yiz all make me feel like a saint! PMSL! I'm lucky if I have a drink every couple of months - and I'm Irish! LMAO No no no, my weight is all down to the munch baybeees. Hope you all do well and see some rewards for your diligence on the scales! GOOD LUCK!
Well since i foolishly mentioned this thread then i'd better sign up too! My target is to not drink mon-thu.