Consolidation The not so very secret diary of Atropos, 11 &1/2

Agree with your post Atropos - sadly the consumer will make their choice and more often that not they will choose the pizza, choc, energy drink and there are no excuses as I think we have all been pretty well educated food wise now and know what we should be eating - I chose to make the wrong choices pre-Dukan - I could have and should have avoided the junk but I chose not to - what money making organisation is not going to cater for the masses who will make the wrong choices and bring more profit!!! I am the person now filling my trolley with fresh, basic but more expensive produce and how much happier am I for it???????
I must sat I was brought up on plain foods both parents worked full time but Sundays was alway Sunday lunch, the rest of the week was mince and dumplings, pie crust, panacalty, etc everything was made fresh nothing frozen, I remember getting our first fridge freezer, the freezer was a third of the fridge. Although the foods I have listed are high fat foods, I was not an overweight child neither were my brothers or parents we never had muti-packs of crisps in or mountains of biscuits. We ate a meal. That was that, no snacking very little sweets. I made myself have a weight problem I was married in 1982 and loved going to asda and having the freedom to put in the trolly what I wanted, and yes I was one of those consumers romanced into what you've said ready made meals, meal times made easy and until I started on Dukan I still was, and the bogof offers well, if I'm having one free I must buy that. You have made me think about the past and my own shopping habits, loved this thread.
Hi Atropos, hope the foot is not awful at the minute - not long till your surgery!
Ha ha - my foot is killing me tonight - it's like acting like something out of Midsommer Murders!

Can't wait for someone to start hacking at it while handing out the serious pain killers. The 4 weeks off work will be nice too!
Sympathy to you; love the Midsomer analogy though! :D