The person below me game

i am,
the person below me is going to bed now
Not quite yet ...... catching up on episodes of House.

The person below me is shopping tomorrow
OMG that's spookey!! My son is 31 on Friday!!

The person below me is drinking hot choc - diet of course.
Ooooooooo do do do do do do do do!!!!!

Not had any time off but shifts don't start till Friday this week.

The person below me has been to see a panto this year/season

The person below me
But of course and doesn't have enough!!!!

the person below me has 3 children
Oh Yes!!

The person below me is ready for bed but can't go yet
I only can't sleep at night when I'm not allowed to (work nights)

The person below me has to get up early in the morning
I have to get up early too.
The person below me is filling a hot water bottle
No - hubby just been up to put leccy blanket on.

The person below me need new glasses
I need new glasses too. The person below me is drinking hot chocolate (low cal)
Nope - vodka & lilt z :(

The person below me's 1st language isn't English
My first language is English.
The person below me is putting out the rubbish
Nah! I'll let him stay in and keep my feet warm ;)

The person below me is going to dream about the new Dr Who
Who is the new Dr WHO?
The person below me is ready for bed
Too right - I'M KNACKERED!
The person below me needs to look up who the new (and very young unknown) Dr Who is!!! :)

(Night night)