The person below me game

I need to know who is the new Dr Who.
The person below me must sign off.
Over and out
You're dead right - I'm going!!! (sorry can't remember new Dr W's name)

The person below me is asleep.
perhaps in mind yes haha
the person below me has been watching celebrity big brother
Well I've been texting!

The person below me is looking forward to seeing Claire Sweeney a 'horribly fat' size 14 (I ask you!)
oh you just reminded me of that - is it tonight?

the person below me is wishing it was summer and their washing was hung out to dry
Yes it's on now! .... I never hang washing out - even in summer I'm afraid.

The person below me has got on a lovely thick pair of woolly socks
no socks, i have bare feet - just painted my toenails...

the person below me is drooling at the tasty things on clare sweeny just now
No but just cleansed my face!

The person below me has a sore throat.
... but has never been able to :(

The person below me is TOTALLY motivated!!!