True. We having chicken. TPBM has two children
B Bonkers Gold Member 19 December 2013 #8,345 Love cider. Never had mulled wine. TPBM likes fizzy drinks - a lot!
D dirtydancing Gold Member 19 December 2013 #8,346 no don't really like them anymore. TPBM has made new year resolutions
lardylady Gold Member 20 December 2013 #8,347 Yes I have. I intend to stop adding salt to food. I'm a bit of an addict. TPBM always struggles to find something to ask the person below them in this thread!!
Yes I have. I intend to stop adding salt to food. I'm a bit of an addict. TPBM always struggles to find something to ask the person below them in this thread!!
B Bonkers Gold Member 20 December 2013 #8,348 Hahahahaha yes! I am wondering what to ask now??? TPBM is very tall
monkeytheory Full Member 20 December 2013 #8,349 I'm 5'6" so average I suppose TPBM is sick of christmas songs
D dirtydancing Gold Member 21 December 2013 #8,350 no sorry do like them. TPBM has christmas decorations on the outside of there house.
lardylady Gold Member 21 December 2013 #8,351 No, just a tree and decs inside. TPBMhas used amazon to buy some presents this year.
burnsie Full Member 23 December 2013 #8,352 Yes that is true TPBM is having their works christmas night out tonight. Sent from my GT-N7000 using mobile app
Yes that is true TPBM is having their works christmas night out tonight. Sent from my GT-N7000 using mobile app
monkeytheory Full Member 23 December 2013 #8,354 Don't drink much but not tee total TPBM Still has loads to do before tomorrow
D dirtydancing Gold Member 23 December 2013 #8,355 not really all sorted for Christmas. TPBM will be watching the queens speech Last edited: 24 December 2013
lardylady Gold Member 24 December 2013 #8,356 Not necessarily. I won't make a point of watching it, but if I happen to catch it then I will watch it. TPBM makes at least one resolution every New Year.
Not necessarily. I won't make a point of watching it, but if I happen to catch it then I will watch it. TPBM makes at least one resolution every New Year.
D dirtydancing Gold Member 24 December 2013 #8,357 no as don't tend to keep them. but this year it is to loose weight. TPBM has seen the gruffalo film
lardylady Gold Member 26 December 2013 #8,358 I have, several times, and I love it (and I have no kids so what's my excuse?!) TPBM went for a walk today.
I have, several times, and I love it (and I have no kids so what's my excuse?!) TPBM went for a walk today.
lardylady Gold Member 27 December 2013 #8,360 No, I went to my mother in law's for lunch. TPBM is back at work already.