Never been - cant wait to get there though! TPBM is getting married this year.
B Bonkers Gold Member 6 January 2014 #8,381 Never been - cant wait to get there though! TPBM is getting married this year.
curlywurly21 Silver Member 6 January 2014 #8,382 No been married seven years! Tpbm is returning to work today after holidays for 2weeks?
Jaxxxilicious Full Member 6 January 2014 #8,384 Of course! TPBM is going to audition for 'Britains Got Talent' this coming year as a sword swallower (or she might sing instead)
Of course! TPBM is going to audition for 'Britains Got Talent' this coming year as a sword swallower (or she might sing instead)
curlywurly21 Silver Member 7 January 2014 #8,385 No I think I'll give it a miss! ;-) TPBM has something exciting to do at the weekend
minus117 Full Member 7 January 2014 #8,386 No plans as yet, but might go and take some photographs down the beach! TPBM loves Green Tea!
lardylady Gold Member 7 January 2014 #8,387 I tried it once- never again! :yuk: TPBM has been engaged more than once.
D dirtydancing Gold Member 8 January 2014 #8,388 no only the once and married him 20 years later TPBM has tried lots of different diets in the past.
Barmel Silver Member 8 January 2014 #8,389 yup I have, but this one is the best TPBM ....... has pets
lardylady Gold Member 8 January 2014 #8,391 No, I couldn't think of doing anything other than teaching. TPBM sprinkles sweetener on cereal.
Jaxxxilicious Full Member 8 January 2014 #8,392 Nope, I don't like artificial sweeteners TPBM has a cracking sense of humour
Emmaline Hippety Hop! 10 January 2014 #8,393 I like to think so but others might not agree! .. :massmoon: Tpbm loves salads
curlywurly21 Silver Member 10 January 2014 #8,394 At the moment I am! ;-) Tpbm always eats breakfast...
D dirtydancing Gold Member 10 January 2014 #8,395 yes I do. TPBM has booked their holiday for this year.
lardylady Gold Member 10 January 2014 #8,396 No, I'll leave it until nearer the time. TPBM goes abroad every year.
D dirtydancing Gold Member 11 January 2014 #8,398 yes I do. TPBM likes to use herbs and spices in their cooking.
lardylady Gold Member 11 January 2014 #8,399 No particularly. I'm quite a plain Jane when it comes to my tastes! TPBM will do food shopping today.
No particularly. I'm quite a plain Jane when it comes to my tastes! TPBM will do food shopping today.
Emmaline Hippety Hop! 11 January 2014 #8,400 Nope... had a delivery this week so well stocked up. Tpbm is going out tonight