Not tonight, I fancy a candle and fire relaxing evening! Tpbm watches darts?
curlywurly21 Silver Member 11 January 2014 #8,401 Not tonight, I fancy a candle and fire relaxing evening! Tpbm watches darts?
D dirtydancing Gold Member 11 January 2014 #8,402 have done. TPBM is going to watch the voice tonight.
Emmaline Hippety Hop! 12 January 2014 #8,404 As if I would do such a thing!! .. :giggle: ... Tpbm loves the colour red
minus117 Full Member 12 January 2014 #8,405 Red is OK, but I prefer Pink : ) TPBM had a sneaky take away this weekend!
curlywurly21 Silver Member 12 January 2014 #8,406 No been totally 100% scary but not tempted...yet! Tpbm is having a roast today?
Emmaline Hippety Hop! 12 January 2014 #8,407 minus117 said: Red is OK, but I prefer Pink : ) Click to expand... Me too! Nope.. most probably be a kipper.. the boil in the bag sort.. Tpbm loves rhubarb
minus117 said: Red is OK, but I prefer Pink : ) Click to expand... Me too! Nope.. most probably be a kipper.. the boil in the bag sort.. Tpbm loves rhubarb
lardylady Gold Member 12 January 2014 #8,408 I do!! I love activia rhubarb yoghurt but alas no longer eat rhubarb crumble and thick custard:cry: TPBM has bought something from a shopping channel.
I do!! I love activia rhubarb yoghurt but alas no longer eat rhubarb crumble and thick custard:cry: TPBM has bought something from a shopping channel.
Jess<3 Journey to 10 stone loss 12 January 2014 #8,410 malteasers said: what it TPBM? Click to expand... The person below me..... Tpbm is in bed
Jaxxxilicious Full Member 13 January 2014 #8,411 Actually yes I am! Nice & cosy tpbm likes watching Sherlock
B Bonkers Gold Member 13 January 2014 #8,412 love it love it! need to catch up tho. TPBM doesn't drink coffee.
Emmaline Hippety Hop! 13 January 2014 #8,413 I do but only the decaf kind. Tpbm loves strong sweet tea
D dirtydancing Gold Member 13 January 2014 #8,414 love strong tea. no sugar for me. TPBM loves hot chocolate
B Bonkers Gold Member 13 January 2014 #8,416 yup... all the time (even at work ). TPBM exercises at least 5 times a week.
lardylady Gold Member 13 January 2014 #8,417 Yes, I walk every day. TPBM only gets weighed once a week.
Jess<3 Journey to 10 stone loss 13 January 2014 #8,419 Yep every Tues evening. Tpbm enjoys a nice hot bath
Emmaline Hippety Hop! 14 January 2014 #8,420 I do but I now don't have one... only a shower Tpbm Loves bananas