The person below me game

Yeah - not bad - shows my age that though doesn't it! :(

The person below me likes red wine
I hate red wine, I am a white wine
The person below me is wearing socks.

Hey, even the kids these days are knitting.
Quite like - wouldn't say 'love'

The person below me needs a new wooly hat
I do need a wooly hat - live in Minnesota - was -15 today!!!

The person below me is a natural blonde.
Nope - just plain old mousey ..... well - that which hasn't gone grey yet!

The person below me loves the countryside.

(-15!!!??? Good Heavens!! We think we're badly done to here if we go -anything!)
No but thinking about it in view of the lousy Euro exchange rate!

The person below me is hoping they don't have to de-ice their car!
Yes indeedee Holly the Collie

The person below me has an electric blanket
Yes I do - I had that D&V bug a few weeks ago and haven't been able to drink tea since ........?

The person below me is wearing navy trousers
Not speak just know a few words

The person below me is watching tv on computer
I have been accused of that :sigh2:

The person below me has 3 children
Mmmmmmmm not really

THe person below me likes silly games;)