The person below me game

:8855::8855::8855::8855::8855::8855::8855:Just a FEW!!!!!

The person below me takes activity holidays
Oooooooooooo You go to Greece too!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!! Now where was I ...... yes I do prefer chicken.

The person below me is a good swimmer
No, I like to be near the sides.
The person below me has freckles.

NOOOO, I love Turkey, but Greece is a close second.
No freckles - just age spots :(

The person below me rides horses

(Sorry thought Raki was Greek - it's probably both - that's probably a bit like saying I thought wine was Italian .... DUR!!)
Rose a horse once in Texas. (Sore bum for 4 days!)
The person below me can do impressions.

Greek is ouzo (sp)
No they're different, my husband drinks both, they're not the same ...... so he says anyway .........

I can do an impression of a madwoman occasionally ;)

The person below me likes Tom Hanks (how random is that?!)
Hmmmmm yeah - just like the person above me ;)

The person below me is in their jamas
No tip visiting from me...... not sure if they have tips here!!

The person below me is wearing a red jumper
no i've got on a white vest.... i'm sure you do have tip's in america mate, they are where you take all your rubbish (trash)

the person below me love elf (the movie)
Oh Yes- I love it too.
The person below me is emptying the dishwasher
no but just made chicken and salad wraps for OH's lunch tomorrow.... domestic goddess moi!

the person below me is disappointed it monday tomorrow already