The person below me game

Blue jeans and a blue and pink plaid shirt.

Tpbm doesn't have anything blue on.

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They have to be 'just right' not too green or black

Tpbm has been stopped by a policeman

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I'd love to!

TPBM has an empty washing basket
funnily enough I was just checking that myself, and nope, still feeling full!

TPBM paints
Very very badly.
TPBM reads poetry
And writes it too! Won awards and everything. Lol.

Tpbm has a random collection.

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Of kids :p nope not really...

Tpbm thinks Harry Potter Kicks Twilight Arse!!
IWillBeAYummyMummy said:
Of kids :p nope not really...!


And don't like either really! Sorry.

Tpbm prefers milk to dark chocolate.

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No but my best friend is his double lol and

Tpbm has been on the London Eye
Just once and it was cloudy.

Tpbm likes special k

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Yeah... think I need a nap! lol

Tpbm needs to post something

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Curry is nice :)

Tpbm used to be a tomboy. (my phone wanted to type toyboy....)

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Yep! Went throught that stage lol

Tpbm had toast for brekkie
Still in bed!

Tpbm has written to the toothfairy

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