THE PICTURE THREAD! Post pictures of your homecooked ww meals!

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OMG how utterly delishamooo does them enchiladas look..........DROOL!!!
Just sent this link to my bf and told him there are now no excuses to surprise me with some yummy dinners :)
Shamu curry. -1pt (for the prawns)
The sauce was tasty but the i fear i may have undercooked it :S
nice chips and BNS tho.
oh my word Shamu's look gorgeous Katie

Cajun river cobbler fish cake

For the fish cakes makes four decent size
for 2 pts
two fillets of smoked river cobbler gently poached
150 g mashed potato ( made night before )
grated carrot
salt and pepper
and 2 tsp of Cajun spice
lookin good!
Breaded mustard pork

Just brush the pork with a mix of english and wholegrain mustard then dip in eggwhite and breadcrumbs.
Not a strong mustard taste unless you want it, if so add alot. Just really really tasty and the breadcrumb coating was delicious and moist rather than dry like usual! Im not a pork fan really but it tasted lovely, i will be doing this trick with other meat too.
baked :) chicken would be ok i think but im going to go for turkey!
i make them with ww bread :)

Stuffed peppers. Couldnt get a good photo but they where very yummy :)
3 points (60g rice cooked in strong vegetable/chicken stock)
I present my first made from scratch ww meal. Mozzerella stuffed chicken breast wrapped with bacon served with wedges (chips were hubbys but his looked nicer)


Chicken parcel was 5 but depends on size of chicken, bacon and cheese :D and wedges were about 1.5 and it was very, very tasty!
omg nicki that looks lush! i am really starting to get encouraged by this thread,i am definately going to be trying a few of these things.
Finally get to update a pic myself!!!! Although it doesn't look too good but tasted yummy.........Presenting galaxy ripple topped cheesecake!!! 3pts per slice..x (I will strive to get it perfect!!!)


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Thanks guys, OH was impressed although a bit shocked i made it because he usually buys ready made ones from asda (9points each :eek: shocking) Shlinz do you have the recipe for that cheesecake? i neeeeeeeeed cheeeeesecake :D
Tonights offering
was spicy cajun lamb with garlic potato
tzatziki and Salsa ( tomato, onion, coriander & lime ) plus herb salad
Recipe for cheesecake is just an actual ww one.......


6 portion low-fat digestive(s), crushed (I used 12 as barely cover base of tin)
2 tablespoon polyunsaturated margarine, melted (Used 4 as doubled the digestives)
20 g gelatine, powdered (please use the powdered, all I could get was the leaves, maybe have worked right if used powdered
90 ml water, just-boiled
500 g low-fat soft cheese (I used asda's own low fat soft cheese but would go for philly next time)
200 g low-fat plain fromage frais
2 teaspoon vanilla essence
2 tablespoon artificial sweetener, powdered
150 g strawberries, sliced thinly (Alternatively just grate a ripple over the top!)
1 tablespoon caster sugar


  • Mix the crushed biscuits with the melted margarine. Press the mixture over the base of a 20cm (8 inch) loose-bottomed cake tin or deep flan dish. Chill for 20 minutes.
  • Sprinkle the gelatine over the hot (not boiling) water. Stir well, then leave for about 5-6 minutes until completely dissolved, stirring occasionally.
  • Beat together the low fat soft cheese, fromage frais, vanilla essence and sweetener. Check the sweetness, adding a little more powdered sweetener, if you like.
  • Stir in the cooled gelatine liquid, making sure that it is thoroughly incorporated. Pour over the biscuit crumb base, then chill for about an hour, or until firm.
  • Arrange the strawberries over the surface of the cheesecake. Sprinkle with the caster sugar to give them an attractive glaze. Chill until ready to serve.

  • Make sure that the gelatine has completely dissolved before you add it to the cheesecake mixture. Remember that gelatine is not suitable for vegetarians.
Hope someone else can master it....the taste was awesome tho!!!xxx
BBQ Turkey Lasagne

Recipe is 16 pts in total, will easily serve 4 but we're greedy fat munchers so had it between us 2!!

Basically make the no point bbq sauce that Katie posted:

BBQ sauce recipe - no points

you will need
1 onion, peeled and roughly chopped
1 tsp mild chilli powder
227ml/8fl oz passata
3 tbsp artifical sweetner
4 tbsp balsamaic vinegar
1 tbsp worchestershire sauce
1/2 tsp mustard powder
salt and freshly ground blacke pepper.

"balslmic vingar and worchestershire sauce provide the basis for this great tasting bbq sauce thsat is perfect for a dip, basting a chicken thighs or vegetable kebabs before a bbq, lady who gave me this recipe said she has them on spare ribs and cooks them in the oven so she has bbq spare ribs."

spray a pan with fry light and saute the onion and chilli powder over a low heat for 5 minutes until softened.

stir in the remaining ingrredients, bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes untill thickened. check the seasoning before serving hot or cold.

frylite your turkey/chicken (I used 2 and half turkey steaks) and add some mushrooms if you wish then add that to the sauce mix.

I put lasagne sheet on bottom of dish, add turkey & sauce, lasagne sheet, white sauce (cheated and used dolmio cos mucked up my own one)another layer of turkey/sauce mix then some cheese. whack in the oven about 200 deg for 30-35 mins.

I actually made some of "jess stylee" chip/potatoes but was sooo hungry didnt get pic of them but was very proud as they were so tasty and well cooked. Will pic the next batch probs tomoro!!! yum.xx


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Gammon, wedges and beans - 9.5

Scrub and chop potatoes, mix with paprika, salt, garlic granules and dried herbs of choice. Mix in 1 table spoonish of oil (this was for 2 people), 1 hour gas mark 7. Use non stick pan or line with foil, spray extra onto pan and on potatoes.


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I actually made some of "jess stylee" chip/potatoes but was sooo hungry didnt get pic of them but was very proud as they were so tasty and well cooked. Will pic the next batch probs tomoro!!! yum.xx

What are 'Jess stylee' chips/potatoes?
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