The Princess Diaries ♥ 2014 will be the year I earn my crown (ok, Target badge)!

Morning diary, happy Thursday. It's very nearly the weekend - you can almost see it if you stand on your tippy toes :D

Had great fun making the brownies and shortbread last night. And I'm proud to report that not a single bowl, spoon or finger was licked! Although I was very tempted at times :giggle: All I really have left to do is add the caramel and chocolate toppings to the shortbread - I accidently burnt the caramel last night so my mam is going to get me some more ingredients today and I'll finish them off tonight. They look great. The brownies are a little messy looking, but I am sure it won't affect how they taste! I've made 6 big heart shaped creme egg brownies and 6 heart shaped shortbread biscuits. I had mixture from both leftover so I've made them and said my mam, dad and brother can have them - which they were all quite excited about. I really enjoy baking. I said to my mam last night that I think I will start once a week making a nice cake or something for them. Even if it's a SW friendly cake, then I could indulge in some too.

Going to have an Extra Easy day today. I had 3 of them last week and actually quite enjoyed them, so am trying to make them a more regular thing. I have one portion of the bolognese I made last week left in the freezer, which I'm going to have with some pasta tonight. I must make some more of it again soon, it's so tasty! Not sure what's going to be for lunch today, but I will update once I decide.

This is how today is looking...

Extra Easy

(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- 2 x Plum (S)
- Lemon Greek Muller Light (0.5 Syns)
- Douwe Egberts Caramel Cappuccino (2 Syns)

- Plum (S)
- Tesco Falafel and Butternut Squash Salad
- Apple (S)
- Lemon Greek Muller Light (0.5 Syns)

- Pasta topped with "Best Ever Bolognese" (Extra Lean Mince, Onion (S), Carrot (S), Mushrooms (S), Peppers (S), Chopped Tomatoes (S) and Passata (S)) and Cheese (HExA)

- Mint Crunch HiFi (HExB)
- Cadbury Creme Egg Biscuit (4 Syns)

Healthy Extra A: 40g Reduced Fat Cheddar
Healthy Extra B: 1 x HiFi

Daily Syns: 7
Weekly Syns: 12 / 105

Wow PS you've had a rocking 2 days, so much fun :p ! Would love to see some pics please of your wonderful creations if possible :) . Well done for resisting eating spoonfuls while baking. Your food diary looks fab for today well done. I've always done green, never tried EE, might give it a go. Hope you have a lovely evening hun.

Kay xx
I love baking too! Have you tried the brownies? They are fab, I wouldn't use as much sweetener as the recipe said, I think I used about half a tub, you could use stevia or truvia for a healthier sweetener. But I enjoyed making them and they baked well. I fancy the Spanish orange cake from the slimming world website! also fancy the chocolate torte from there but nobody else would eat it so I'd basically just be making it for myself and that would be too dangerous lol! Loads of cakes on lifeline online for us though. My aunty who comes to my group now was just saying to me last night how I never used to be able to cook now you can't keep me out of the kitchen! Xx

Oooh, the half Syn brownies? Not tried them yet but I saved the recipe to my phone the other day and plan on giving them a go soon! Have seen a lot of people posting them on IG and they do look nice!! Chocolate torte sounds amazing - that would go down well in our house so may give that a go as well! Have loads of baking stuff left over now so will have to hunt down some yummy recipes to get it used up!

I am exactly the same as you. Before Slimming World I couldn't cook either! I lived on microwave meals or oven chips, etc. Now, like you, they can't keep me out of the kitchen! I really enjoy experimenting and throwing new things together. Slimming World really does help you to do more than just lose weight. Love it! xx
Wow PS you've had a rocking 2 days, so much fun :p ! Would love to see some pics please of your wonderful creations if possible :) . Well done for resisting eating spoonfuls while baking. Your food diary looks fab for today well done. I've always done green, never tried EE, might give it a go. Hope you have a lovely evening hun.

Kay xx

Had so much fun baking, Kay! I really enjoyed myself and actually found it quite theraputic :)

I am actually starting to enjoy EE more. When I first started Slimming World I always did EE, until one day I accidently had a Green day. Then I did some more research into Red / Green days and they just sort of stuck. I've been doing them so long now that EE felt like a bit more of a chore (having to have the 1/3 SuperFree and less Healthy Extras), but I decided to give it another go now and then. I think mixing the different days up definitely helped me get that loss on Tuesday!

Will try and attach some pics of my baking now. They are on my phone so I'll go on there now and try and do it. They do look a bit messy on the pictures - the creme is bursting out of the brownies and the chocolate on top of the shortbread hadn't set yet so it looks a bit of a mess. But I don't think it will affect the taste ;)

Have a great day xx
Creme egg brownies - you can't really tell from this picture, but they are heart shaped. I baked them in little heart shaped silicone moulds. Had some mixture left over so made a few in some cupcake cases for my mam dad and brother to try. They had them last night and the verdict was 'bloody lush' :giggle:


Millionaires shortbread. This was just before I put them in the fridge to set, so the chocolate looks a little messy. Checked on them this morning though and they were looking fab! Just need to put them into the cellophane bag and tie them up like the brownies, and then they're done! Will do that when I get in from work tonight.

Happy Valentines Day!! :cupid: :heartpump: I have tried to make my way around the diaries this morning to spread the love, but please forgive me if I have missed anyone!

Really quite excited about today, as you can probably tell lol! It's our first Valentines together, but it's also my very first Valentine. Ever!! Is that a bit sad? 22 years old and have never had a Valentine lol :giggle: Well at least I know this one is going to be special! We're going out for a nice meal tonight, to an Italian place called Uno Momento. I've been before and the food is delicious, it's a really nice restaurant too. I've had a look at the menu before hand and decided on probably the most SW-friendly option - mozzarella and tomato salad to start and then penne arabbiata for my main. Allowing Syns for any oil and of course the fresh pasta. Warren will probably have a pizza. They are amazing there, and absolutely huge :eek: I love that we can still go out and have a nice night together without me having to go off plan. So I'm looking forward to that. Then we're just going to come home (back to Warrens) so we can exchange cards (not really doing gifts, I've made him his goodies and did buy a little photo frame with a picture of us in, but nothing major) and then we're just going to settle down for the night and watch a film.

Not really a great deal else going on today. I came into work an hour early so that I can finish early tonight. Our table is booked for 6pm so I needed time to get home, get showered and changed and then pick Warren up and come back through to Darlington. So will finish at about 2.45pm today, rather than 3.45pm.

Hope everyone has a great day xx


(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Dorset Cereals Simply Delicious Muesli (HExB) topped with Strawberries (SS), Blackberries (S), Blueberries (S), Grapes and a Strawberry Danio Yogurt (1 Syn)

- Carrot Sticks (S) and Tesco Healthy Living Cottage Cheese
- Apple (S)
- Plum (S)

Dinner (Valentines Meal at Uno Momento Italian Restaurant):
- Main: Penne Arabbiata (10 Syns) with Parmesan (HExA)

- Mint Crunch HiFi (HExB)
- Cadbury Creme Egg Biscuit (4 Syns)
- Bottle of Blossom Hill Vie (18 Syns) with Soda Water

Healthy Extra A: Parmesan
Healthy Extra B: 35g Dorset Cereals Simply Delicious Muesli & 1 x HiFi

Daily Syns: 33
Weekly Syns: 45 / 105
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I went to uno momento the night us lot from work went to see thriller live, was beautiful! Iwas naughty though and had lasagne then chocolate fudge cake :) its such a cute little friendly place isn't it? We went tthere because a girl I work with used to work at the oven, and one of her old colleagues from there now works at uno momento, pleased about that cos thought it was better than the oven.

Hope Warren enjoys his treats! Think that's such a nice prezzie, so much more thought, effort and love than just buying your boyfriend something. Bet they're bloody tasty too! Xx
I went to uno momento the night us lot from work went to see thriller live, was beautiful! Iwas naughty though and had lasagne then chocolate fudge cake :) its such a cute little friendly place isn't it? We went tthere because a girl I work with used to work at the oven, and one of her old colleagues from there now works at uno momento, pleased about that cos thought it was better than the oven.

Hope Warren enjoys his treats! Think that's such a nice prezzie, so much more thought, effort and love than just buying your boyfriend something. Bet they're bloody tasty too! Xx

Oh it's lovely! A really cute little restaurant. The first time I ever went was when a colleague was going on maternity leave, she had her leaving meal there. I had the same then as I'm having tonight, if I remember rightly! It was really nice and the pasta had quite a kick to it. Have been a few times since for my 21st and 22nd birthdays and also my Nanna's 80th - but was naughty on those occasions lol!

Can't wait to give Warren his goodies, hope he loves them! I am sure he will as they are pure sugar lol, that always goes down well with him. Honestly, I wish I could eat the things he eats and be his size, jammy sod! :giggle:

Have a lovely day hun xx
Aww, how cool is this!!

On Tuesday I left a comment on an article on the SW Website, the one where they were explaining the difficulties they're having with HiFi bars / suppliers at the moment (

Anyway, just noticed this morning that they've published my comment! First time that's ever happened - I've commented on lots of other stuff in the past. Feeling quite excited lol, I'm easily amused. Claim to fame or what ;)
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Sounds like you've got a lovely day planned.

I like that you're giving small gifts, I think there can be so much pressure to get the biggest & best of XYZ for your valentine, me & Bob won't do anything we never do, we're not that romantic.

Anyway what I did see which I like was one of my friends gave each other a cracker with love hearts on, I thought that was rather sweet.

I've clicked on the link but can't see your comment:(
Oh it's lovely! A really cute little restaurant. The first time I ever went was when a colleague was going on maternity leave, she had her leaving meal there. I had the same then as I'm having tonight, if I remember rightly! It was really nice and the pasta had quite a kick to it. Have been a few times since for my 21st and 22nd birthdays and also my Nanna's 80th - but was naughty on those occasions lol!

Can't wait to give Warren his goodies, hope he loves them! I am sure he will as they are pure sugar lol, that always goes down well with him. Honestly, I wish I could eat the things he eats and be his size, jammy sod! :giggle:

Have a lovely day hun xx

Aww it's lovely and when someone is having their birthday meal they get the drums out and start banging and singing lol!

He will love them I'm sure. Hope you have a lovely day/night too x
Morning diary! Had a lovely night last night, our meal was gorgeous. Just went for the one course - had my pasta and it was gorgeous! When we got back Warren surprised me with a lovely card and a big teddy bear, the little sweetie! :) He loved his goodies too.

Did treat myself to a bottle of wine last night. Didn't quite drink the whole thing, maybe about 3/4 but will count the full Syns just to be on the safe side. Also shared my creme egg biscuit with Woz (as if he didn't have enough goodies lol) but still counting the full Syns just to make sure.

We've not long woke up, just in bed having a cup of tea and my rocky roads. Going to have a red day today. Think I'll have burgers for dinner but will update later!

Happy Saturday everyone x


(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Apple (S) and Strawberries (SS)
- 2 x Rocky Road HiFi Light (HExB)
- Strawberry Danio Yogurt (1 Syn)

- Extra Lean Beef and Red Onion (S) BabyBel Burgers (HExA) topped with Tomato (S) and Jalapeños (S) and served with Carrot 'Chips' (S)

- Chocolate Orange HiFi (HExB)
- Malteasers Teasers Bar (9.5 Syns)
- Mini Creme Egg (2.5 Syns)

Healthy Extra A: 3 x BabyBel Light
Healthy Extra B: 2 x HiFi Light & 1 x HiFi

Daily Syns: 13
Weekly Syns: 58 / 105
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Moring PS, glad you had such a lovely evening with your OH :heartpump: so sweet :) . Well done on your honesty with the plan and counting all your syns, even with the wine lol :party0036: . A lot of people would probably wipe the line after V Day's meal and start over, but it's great that your accounting for everything. Mmmm burgers sound lovely for dinner yum yum, will pop by later to see how your getting on. Have a lovely day hun .

Kay xx
Quick food diary for today!

Extra Easy

(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Apple (S) and Strawberries (SS)
- Pineapple (S)

- Hotpot made with 100g Princes Lean Corned Beef (2 Syns), Potatoes, Onion (S) and a Knorr Beef Stock Pot. Served with Carrots (S), Broccoli (S), Cauliflower (S), Green Beans (S) and Peas (SS)

- Mint Crunch HiFi (HExB)
- Coffee made up with hot Milk (HExA)
- 2 x Cadbury Creme Egg Biscuits (8 Syns)
- Original Soreen Lunchbox Loaf (4.5 Syns)

Healthy Extra A: 250ml Semi Skimmed Milk
Healthy Extra B: 1 x HiFi

Daily Syns: 14.5
Weekly Syns: 72.5 / 105
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Morning diary! I really can't believe it's Monday again already. Each weekend seems to go by quicker and quicker! I had a really lovely one with Warren, he is such a sweetheart.

Feeling really proud of myself as well, that I managed to stay on plan over the weekend. Particularly Friday, Valentines Day. I even let myself have some wine, as it was a special occasion, and it didn't send me off the rails or make me lose the plot SW-wise. I'm really looking forward to seeing what the scales will say tomorrow!

Going to have a nice Red day today, and make pizza topped chicken for tea tonight. And then of course it's soap night, ahh! I can't wait. Love cosy Mondays lol!

Have a good one everyone x


(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Dorset Cereals Simply Delicious Muesli (HExB) topped with 2 x Kiwi Fruit (S) and a Passionfruit Danio Yogurt (1.5 Syns)

- Ham slices, Carrot sticks (S) and Tesco Healthy Living Cottage Cheese

- Flattened Chicken Breast (S) topped with Tomato Puree (S), 3 slices of Chorizo (2.5 Syns), Peppers (S), Red Onion (S), Jalapeños (S) and Cheese (HExA). Served with Carrot "Chips" (S) and Salad (Mixed Leaves (S), Cucumber (S), Red Onion (S), and Peppers (S))


- Banana
- Chocolate Orange HiFi (HExB)
- Original Soreen Lunchbox Loaf (4.5 Syns)

Healthy Extra A: 40g Reduced Fat Cheddar
Healthy Extra B: 35g Dorset Cereals Simply Delicious Muesli & 1 x HiFi

Daily Syns: 8.5
Weekly Syns: 81 / 105
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Oh Stevie, I wish you could bottle up your motivation and sell it to me! You've done amazing! x
Oh Stevie, I wish you could bottle up your motivation and sell it to me! You've done amazing! x

Aww, thank you!! I just feel like this is my year - no more messing around, I AM getting to target. Look how long it took for that to click with me though. You'll find your motivation too, don't give up x