The Princess Diaries ♥ 2014 will be the year I earn my crown (ok, Target badge)!

hey stevie! Popping on to subscribe here, you have given me a bit of inspiration to try some red/green days and see how I get on! :D

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Aww thank you so much!! Pleased I could help in some way :)

Have a great weekend too! X
Quick post with today's food!

Have a great Sunday everyone x


(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Apple (S), Grapes and Strawberries (SS)
- Danio Strawberry Yogurt (1 Syn)

Lunch / Dinner:
- 3 x Quorn Low Fat Sausages with Cheesy Potato Skins (HExA) and Baked Beans (SS)

- Mint Crunch HiFi (HExB)
- 2 x Double Chocolate Alpen Light (HExB)
- Brompton House Brownie (6 Syns)
- Banana Soreen Lunchbox Loaf (5 Syns)
- Mini MaltEaster Bunny (3 Syns)

Healthy Extra A: 40g Reduced Fat Cheddar
Healthy Extra B: 1 x HiFi & 2 x Alpen Light

Daily Syns: 15
Weekly Syns: 66 / 105
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Is it really Monday already!? The weekends just fly over so quickly. But as they say, "time flies when you're having fun", and I really did have fun this weekend! Our date night on Friday was just perfect. The film wasn't fantastic, but you know what, it wasn't even about the film. Just spending time with him Warren more than enough. He is a little sweetie :)

Had a bit of a treat Saturday, and got to spend the whole day with him! Usually he has football so I get up and go home at about 11am, but it was called off this week so we got to have a nice lie in and watched a bit of TV in bed. Then we got up and headed to my house once he'd been showered and dressed. The Liverpool game was on Sky (he's a massive fan!), so he watched that whilst I made dinner and had a bath etc. Had to drop my mam and dad off into Darlington at about 7.30pm, so we headed to Asda afterwards for a few bits, and then went back to Warrens for the night. Also spent all of yesterday with him. Had a nice lie in and just a generally lazy Sunday. I was quite sad when I had to come home. It felt like such a treat getting to spend the whole weekend together rather than it being quite broken up.

But back to reality today! I slept like a log last night, to the point when my alarm went off this morning I jumped up and wasn't quite sure where I was at first :giggle: It might be Monday but nothing is taking the smile off my face today. I am one happy little Stevie at the moment!

Also have been totally 100% on plan again this week, so am looking forward to weigh in tomorrow night! Although I am feeling a bit bloated but not sure why? Have been like this for a little while. I've also kept enough Syns so that we can have a McDonalds after weigh in again tomorrow night. Exciting stuff!!

Have a great day everyone x


(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Banana
- Danio Strawberry Yogurt (1 Syn)

- Tesco Flame Grilled Chunky Chicken Pieces
- Apple (S)

- EL Beef and Red Onion (S) Burgers stuffed with BabyBels (HExA) and topped with Bacon and Sliced Tomato (S). Served in a WW Wholemeal Pitta (HExB) and with Carrot "Chips" (S)

- 2 x Rocky Road HiFi Light (HExB)
- Mini MaltEaster Bunny (3 Syns)

Healthy Extra A: 2 x BabyBel Original
Healthy Extra B: WW Wholemeal Pitta & 2 x HiFi Light

Daily Syns: 4
Weekly Syns: 70 / 105
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Hi PS :wavey: your food diary looks amazing. I tend to do green days too. Your syns are quite low, I'm sure you'll have a fab loss this week.

Kay xx
It is strange isn't it! I split my time between Chris' house and mine, (well Chris' house is my house really lol but it doesn't feel like that whilst his mam and dad are looking for a new house) and sometimes I have to think twice where I am waking up at! I prefer sleeping at his really, we bought a massive bed and it's so comfy lol sounds like you had an amazing weekend! no wonder you're so happy. Xx
Trust me once you move in with em you can't wait for a night to yourself :p haha best thing I ever did though :)
Morning diary. I am NOT a happy bunny today! Mother bloody Nature has only gone and arrived this morning, the morning of weigh in :mad: Why!? Of all the times! It's doing my head in at the moment - I've been very on and off since 7th December. Sorry if TMI, but I don't normally get a period on the implant. Only when it is due to come out, which is not until mid-September. So the last month and a bit has been an absolute nightmare for me, I'm just not used to it. I think it's probably to do with stress more than anything, and my mam also thinks diet and the change in my body could be affecting it. Anyway, seeing how I get on this week and if it carries on I'm going to go and see the nurse, just in case.

But yeah, that has totally thrown me off now. I feel so sluggish and bloated and I am totally dreading weigh in tonight! I just know I'm going to have a gain :( After all of my hard work this week as well! I know people often say "it will show next week", but I am the kind of girl who needs to see those scales moving each week, otherwise I tend to lose my mojo. My scales at home are showing a maintain, and they are pretty accurate! That's pretty disheartening for me after this week, and I dread to think wha they'll say by 4.30pm tonight after I've eaten too. Damn it! Going to ditch the fizzy pop today and drink water instead, hopefully that will help beat the bloat a bit! I am just very aware that I STILL have not conquered my Christmas / New Year gain, I still have 3lb to lose to get back down to where I was the day before Christmas Eve. And I am also desperate to hit Target for my Birthday, and wanted as little slip-ups as possible.

Was going to have a McDonalds as my "treat" after weigh in tonight, but I've changed my mind. I feel like a black hole tonight and I am seriously craving stodge and chocolate!! So I'm going to have an Indian instead, which is much less Syns than the McD's. I will still be left with 25.5 Syns after my tea which I intend to "spend" solely on chocolate!

Anyway, enough of me moaning on. Will update later on with the dreaded result!

Extra Easy

(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Danio Strawberry Yogurt (1 Syn)
- Apple (S) and Strawberries (S)

- 2 x CheeseString (HExA)
- 19g multipack bag of Walkers French Fries (4 Syns)

Dinner (Indian Takeaway):
- 350g Chicken Jalfrezi (8.5 Syns) with Boiled Rice and Salad (Lettuce (S), Cucumber (S), Peppers (S), Onion (S), Tomato (S) and Jalapeños (S))

- 2 x Rocky Road HiFi Light (HExB)
- 25g bag of Cookie Crisp (4.5 Syns)
- Passionfruit Danio Yogurt (1.5 Syns)
- Bag of Haribo Sugar Free Bonissimo (6.5 Syns)
- Cadbury Creme Egg (9 Syns)

Healthy Extra A: 2 x CheeseString
Healthy Extra B: 2 x HiFi Light

Daily Syns: 35
Weekly Syns: 105 / 105
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Do to drink too much water it weighs a lot when it's in our bodies, I weighed myself once first thing and then had a pint of water and I was like 3lb heavier within ten mins!

Love how you've got all them syns solely for choc, you sound just like me haha! Enjoy you deserve it especially when the Mother Nature turns up unannounced, what a cow she is. Seriously has no respect haha!

Good of luck forweigh in!
Thank you lovelies. Can always count on you to make me feel better about things xx
Hi PS, sorry your feeling down, but if it helps I wasn't expecting a loss today either, my weigh in is in the mornings, I also came on my TOTM a few days before leaving me feeling bloated and pissed off to say the least but I've managed a small loss today, our bodies do weird things at times, when u expect a loss u don't get one and when u don't u do, u never know things may turn around, I hope u come back with a big smile on your face :) fingers crossed for u.

Kay xx