Grrr. Bokwa is now off again, lol! My Bokwa partner can't make it now, and there's no way I'm going on my own! Nevermind, I'll just get myself on the Wii for an hour - at least get some form of Body Magic in there. I am kind of pleased in a way really. Now I'm in the warmth I really don't fancy venturing back out into the snow!
Is it still snowing with you?

A little! It's just totally freezing out there, and the snow that has laid has started to ice over. The roads are really trecherous! I hate this weather xx
I think it has been dry here but TBH I can't really see out properly cos I'm in the middle of the office. :D Off home in 20 mins though. :D

Not long now PP :D xx
Good morning diary! I'm actually really excited this morning. It's weigh day :D

Have a bit of a confession to make. I didn't bother going on the Wii last night. I kind of lost my oomph and couldn't be bothered. Nevermind!

Last week I promised myself (and you guys!!) that I would start eating on a weigh day. So here goes. Granted, it's not a great deal, but it is something.

Can't wait to see how I get on at WI later. This has been the best week I've had in a long time! Hoping for a decent loss - will feedback later.

Today is an Green day . . .

= Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed


- Kiwi Fruit (S)
- Weight Watchers Raspberry Tart Dessert Recipe Yogurt
- 1 x Rocky Road HiFi Light (½ HExB)

- Chicken Mug Shot
- 2 x BabyBel Light (2/3 HExA)

Post-Weigh In Snack:
- 1 x BabyBel Light (1/3 HExA)
- 1 x Rocky Road HiFi Light (½ HExB)

- 323g Chips (25 Syns)
- Curry Sauce (6 Syns)

- Special K Dark Chocolate Chewy Delight (HExB)
- Options (2 Syns) made up with Milk (HExA) and Sweetener

Healthy A: 3 x BabyBel Light & 250ml Semi Skimmed Milk
Healthy B: 2 x HiFi Light & 1 x Special K Chewy Delight

Daily Syns: 33
Weekly Syns: 102 / 105
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Well done on starting to eat on wi day! Good Luck tonight, hopefully you will get the loss you are hoping for but just want to say remember the scales don't always do what we think they should do in accordance with our week. Not trying to be a party pooper, hope you know where am coming from? We know it does come off though as long as we keep at it and hopefully the scales will play nicely tonight xx
Good luck for tonight Hun, and really well done on the eating. It's a much healthier approach overall.

Agree with what emsie is saying but am sure you'll do good xx
Well done on starting to eat on wi day! Good Luck tonight, hopefully you will get the loss you are hoping for but just want to say remember the scales don't always do what we think they should do in accordance with our week. Not trying to be a party pooper, hope you know where am coming from? We know it does come off though as long as we keep at it and hopefully the scales will play nicely tonight xx

No hun, I totally understand where you're coming from! The scales have let me down in the past when I've had a really good week, and the thing I've learnt is that it will quite often come off the following week instead. I will try not to get my hopes up, just incase! And if the result isn't quite what I wanted, I'll try to stay positive and remember that there is always next week! :) Will let you know how I get on, thanks lovely xx
Good luck for tonight Hun, and really well done on the eating. It's a much healthier approach overall.

Agree with what emsie is saying but am sure you'll do good xx

Thank you lovely lady! xx
Good luck Stevie! :D xx
Ooh, goodness me! I feel like I've eaten loads today. I've already had my kiwi, yogurt, hifi light and babybels - and it's not even lunchtime yet!!

Feeling really hungry which is strange, as I never usually eat on WI days at all! I've got my Mug Shot left to have in an hour or so and then that will do me until I've been weighed. I must say, I am feeling quite anxious about it. I hope all of this food doesn't affect my result. This is what my "no eating on a WI day" habbit has caused. . .paranoia :giggle:
Don't be paranoid Hun! Good luck xxx

Thank you! Really trying hard to get out of this mindset. Just eating on WI day is a massive step for me. I'm sure I will conquer this feeling eventually! xx
Thank you! Really trying hard to get out of this mindset. Just eating on WI day is a massive step for me. I'm sure I will conquer this feeling eventually! xx

I used to eat really light on weigh day and next week I am switching back to evening weigh ins so have also got to break the light eating habit!