Oi missus, your scales at home don't count - you know that!!!!! Plus don't forget a lot more exercise often means the scales slow down!! Xx

I know you're right, and I really wish I could keep off the scales! I'm just really disheartened with how slow my weight loss has become. Since New Year all I've seen is: -1/2lb, -2lb, maintain, -1lb, -1/2lb and it looks like this week is going to be a maintain/small loss too.

I know I should still be happy with a loss, no matter how big/small it is. But it can be sooo frustrating :confused: Nevermind, will have to see what WI brings tonight xx
I know it's a pain - but I think we have to have these periods - until this week my losses had been ridiculously slow, with a couple of gains chucked in there!! I always wonder if it's maybe our bodies just taking a few weeks to re-stabalise!!

Let's see how WI goes tonight - you may get a nice surprise - keeping everything crossed for you :) xx
Morning everyone, hope you're all well :)

I'm feeling a bit disheartened this morning, and no longer looking forward to WI tonight. I know I said I was going to stop the scale hopping, but this morning I just couldn't resist :eek: I've been really good this week so I was excited, and expecting a decent loss. I got on the scales before breakfast, and according to them I've only lost 1/2lb. I'm gutted - and this is chance to go up now that I've had breakfast and will be having my lunch this afternoon.

I'm really gutted. Everything seems to have slowed right down at the minute, and I seem to have hit a plateau. Nevermind, not much I can do about it now. I guess I'll just have to wait until 5pm for my official WI :confused:

Hope you all have a better day than I am having. Good luck to anyone else weighing in today xx

(S) =Speed (SS) =SuperSpeed

- Small Wholemeal Roll (HExB) with Bacon, 2 Quorn Sausages (2 Syns) and Mushrooms (S)

- Pineapple (S)

- Vegetable Broth (S)

Total Syns for the day: 2

Hey hun just dropping by to see how you are getting on as i've not been on here properly for days,
Sorry to hear about the small loss so far, you never know though, it might increase a little before WI arrives and you shouldn't feel disheartened at a small loss. You've seen how much half a pound of fat looks like!

Keep going, don't lose faith and you will be rewarded. You've done so well already

KAtie xxxx
dont be disheartened! Im in a worse boat :( My scales are always identital to the SW ones and according to mine i've put on at least 1lb/1.5lbs :( :( :( I've not been bad at all. Only difference is lack of excercise.

Really considered not going tonight but I guess i better face the music! xx
dont be disheartened! Im in a worse boat :( My scales are always identital to the SW ones and according to mine i've put on at least 1lb/1.5lbs :( :( :( I've not been bad at all. Only difference is lack of excercise.

Really considered not going tonight but I guess i better face the music! xx

Oh dear, what are we both like! Hopefully by WI tonight we'll both see a loss, or at least a maintain.

You're right about going to group. I used to miss SW if I'd had a bad week, but then I'd just find that leads to another bad week - I really find going to group helps to re-motivate you no matter what result you've had. Nobody will criticise, or think any less of you if you do happen to have a gain - everyone is there for the same reason and will fully support you whatever your result.

Good luck for tonight, let me know how you get on xx
Hope your home scales are underestimating and WI is better than you thought.

I'm expecting a gain tonight after fajitagate. Ho Hum

Thank you hun! You never know, you might get a nice surpise and a lovely loss :) Fingers crossed for us all!! Let me know how you get on xx
:bighug: hope weigh in goes well tonight and you're pleasantly surprised

Keep at it hun. Is there anything you could do to jazz things up a bit? Trying new recipes etc?
:bighug: hope weigh in goes well tonight and you're pleasantly surprised

Keep at it hun. Is there anything you could do to jazz things up a bit? Trying new recipes etc?

Hi hun, thanks for that. I'll need every bit of luck I can get lol! :eek:

Yeah, I was thinking about shaking things up a little. It'll be quite hard though, as I'm a really fussy eater, and barely have time to cook new and exciting things - that's why I stick to simple, basic meals the majority of the time.

But, who knows. Will go to WI tonight, embrace the result no matter what it may be and start again tomorrow. Will be good again next week but maybe try mixing things up a bit. Fingers crossed! xx
Thanks Steve!

Have to admit it was all just a bit thrown together, but it was absolutely lush!! :drool: Even had left-overs for lunch on Saturday!

How are you getting on? Did you have a good weekend? :)

I did - I met some nutters off this forum when we had a mini-meet;) - bit hairy driving in that though - especially coming home in blizzard conditions on a motorway not fit for purpose!!!

Just about made it home Saturday night:eek:
Weigh In - 07/02/12

Evening everyone, just reporting back after weigh in.

Well, I lost half a pound :eek:. I know I can't really complain - I was expecting a gain after a sneaky peek, half off is better than half on, a loss is a loss, yada yada yada..but I still can't help feeling a bit disappointed. I've worked really hard this week and was really expecting a better loss than that..

I seem to have really hit a bit of a plataeu at the moment - the biggest loss I've seen since New Year has been 2lb, and the other results half been 1lb, 1/2lb and a maintain.

What's worrying is that I have plans to go out this Saturday, and I know I won't be on plan - a friend of mine has been home from Australia since Boxing Day and Saturday is the last chance we'll all get to go out before she goes back over there on the 17th.

So, I guess my plan of action for this week is to up my SuperFree, lower my Syns intake and exercise, exercise, exercise. I think I probably need to start mixing things up a bit - I'm not sure if it's possible, but I'm thinking that perhaps my body is starting to get used to certain foods? :confused: I really don't want to have a gain come next Tuesday.

Oh well, every 1/2lb adds up I guess! I hope the rest of you weighing in tonight did well xx
Half a pound off is better than my half a pound on when I hadn't even been "bad" eughhh! With you on the exercise, let's both have a REALLY good week and don't let Saturday phase you :)

We can do it! Xx
Evening everyone, just reporting back after weigh in.

Well, I lost half a pound :eek:. I know I can't really complain - I was expecting a gain after a sneaky peek, half off is better than half on, a loss is a loss, yada yada yada..but I still can't help feeling a bit disappointed. I've worked really hard this week and was really expecting a better loss than that..

I seem to have really hit a bit of a plataeu at the moment - the biggest loss I've seen since New Year has been 2lb, and the other results half been 1lb, 1/2lb and a maintain.

What's worrying is that I have plans to go out this Saturday, and I know I won't be on plan - a friend of mine has been home from Australia since Boxing Day and Saturday is the last chance we'll all get to go out before she goes back over there on the 17th.

So, I guess my plan of action for this week is to up my SuperFree, lower my Syns intake and exercise, exercise, exercise. I think I probably need to start mixing things up a bit - I'm not sure if it's possible, but I'm thinking that perhaps my body is starting to get used to certain foods? :confused: I really don't want to have a gain come next Tuesday.

Oh well, every 1/2lb adds up I guess! I hope the rest of you weighing in tonight did well xx

Well done hun, like you say it's still a loss and every half pound has got too go :) You have been doing a bit of exercise recently so I think you will see the benefit of this, it might just take a bit longer to see the results! Have you taken measurements? xx
Half a pound off is better than my half a pound on when I hadn't even been "bad" eughhh! With you on the exercise, let's both have a REALLY good week and don't let Saturday phase you :)

We can do it! Xx

Thanks hun. Don't worry too much about your gain - 1/2lb is such a tiny gain, I'm sure you'll get that (plus more!) off next week. Our bodies work in strange and mysterious ways, so if you've been good last week and are good again this week, chances are you'll see a cracking loss on Tuesday! :)

You're so right, we can do it! We're here to keep each other motivated. Hope you have a great week this week xx

Well done hun, like you say it's still a loss and every half pound has got too go :) You have been doing a bit of exercise recently so I think you will see the benefit of this, it might just take a bit longer to see the results! Have you taken measurements? xx

Hey hun :) Thank you! You're right, every tiny 1/2lb needs to go, so I guess that's one less to lose.

I haven't taken any measurements, but I think I might start. I've heard a few people saying weeks where they haven't lost/lost a small amount, they've still seen quite a difference in their measurements and have lost inches! I think I might start doing this - it sounds quite motivating, particularly when you haven't lost a great deal that week.

I also thought about taking a picture of myself each week. Then I can gradually see how much weight I'm losing.

You've done really well this week! Think I'll sneak over to your diary and steal some ideas from you :p xx
Day 36, Extra Easy: 08/02/12

Hey everyone, hope you're all well :)

Have given myself a bit of a slap, and told myself that a loss is a loss - regardless of it only being 1/2lb. I shouldn't have been disheartened by that, so it's time to get re-motivated and have another great week.

As I have plans to go out on Saturday night, and there will be a lot of alcohol involved, I've decided to try and eat plenty of Speed/SuperSpeed foods this week, and also try and keep my Syns intake pretty low, as to save the mojority of my Syns for Saturday night.

Lot's of exercise planned for this week too. And to go with that, lots of water - I don't want to find myself dehydrated as this could lead to a gain next week.

Hoping you all have a fantastic week, my lovely friends xx

(S) =Speed (SS) =SuperSpeed

- Magic Porridge (HExB) with a chopped Banana and Strawberries (SS)

- Vegetable Broth (S)
- Pineapple (S)
- 4 Mikado (2 Syns)

- 2 Laughing Cow Light Cheese Triangles (HExA)

- Quorn Peppered Steak (S) with spicy SW wedges, 1 Laughing Cow Light Cheese Triangle (HExA) and Vegetables (S)

- Creamy Cheese Mug Shot (2.5 Syns)
- 2 Laughing Cow Light Cheese Triangles (HExA)
- Chocolate & Fudge Alpen Light (3 Syns)

Healthy Extra A: 5 Laughing Cow Light Cheese Triangles
Healthy Extra B: 35g Porridge Oats
Total Syns for the day: 7.5

Exercise: Dog walking (30 minutes)


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Hey hun :) Thank you! You're right, every tiny 1/2lb needs to go, so I guess that's one less to lose.

I haven't taken any measurements, but I think I might start. I've heard a few people saying weeks where they haven't lost/lost a small amount, they've still seen quite a difference in their measurements and have lost inches! I think I might start doing this - it sounds quite motivating, particularly when you haven't lost a great deal that week.

I also thought about taking a picture of myself each week. Then I can gradually see how much weight I'm losing.

You've done really well this week! Think I'll sneak over to your diary and steal some ideas from you :p xx[/QUOTE]

I really recommend doing the measurements - I done mine during the shred and I couldn't believe how they were going down, it was unbelievable! I have also took a few pics - one at the start of dec and one a couple of weeks ago - I plan to take a few more and then put them all together to see if I can see a difference!

I think my last 2 weeks were complete fluke - but I am taking them and running :) xx
Half a pound is o.k. it adds up to nearly 2 stones in a year and so much more healthy than losing shed loads and then putting it all back on again.

A Night out will do you good. Enjoy it do not spoil it by worrying about what you are eating and drinking. Just make sure you get right back on track again on Sunday. It might just be the kick start you are looking for,

hugs xxxx
Hey everyone, hope you're all well :)

Have given myself a bit of a slap, and told myself that a loss is a loss - regardless of it only being 1/2lb. I shouldn't have been disheartened by that, so it's time to get re-motivated and have another great week.

As I have plans to go out on Saturday night, and there will be a lot of alcohol involved, I've decided to try and eat plenty of Speed/SuperSpeed foods this week, and also try and keep my Syns intake pretty low, as to save the mojority of my Syns for Saturday night.

Lot's of exercise planned for this week too. And to go with that, lots of water - I don't want to find myself dehydrated as this could lead to a gain next week.

Hoping you all have a fantastic week, my lovely friends xx

(S) =Speed (SS) =SuperSpeed

- Magic Porridge (HExB) with a chopped Banana and Strawberries (SS)

- Vegetable Broth (S)
- Pineapple (S)

- Quorn Peppered Steak (S) with spicy SW wedges and Vegetables (S)

Total Syns for the day:

Hey hun, so pleased you've realised you should be happy with every loss you get :D

With the alcohol thing, do you drink low syn drinks? You could always do the one alcoholic/1 soft drink rotation (know its not quite the same but often friends don't notice and you're that caught up in the atmosphere you still have a fab time) Or have one shot of spirit in a really tall glass of syn free mixer? Sounds like it will be a fab night either way :D would love to go to Australia, heard only good things about it.

I'm (im)patiently waiting for August, moving into a flat with the OH, and as we are both in uni accommodation at the mo, we don't have a tv so can't use the wii for exercise and I really miss it!

That picture looks so yummy! definitely makes me want to try magic porridge, what flavour muller do you use?

Hope you're having a lovely day
