Morning everyone, hope you're all well. Sorry I didn't pop back online last night to update you all - I was so tired, I just came home from class, had my tea and went to bed. I'm feeling much better for it this morning though.

Anyway, I managed a maintain at WI last night, which I am absolutely thrilled with :D I was definitely not expecting it - I thought I'd definitely gain. I think having a few 'naughties' last week has gotten everything out of my system - I'm now completely focused and ready to give the plan everything I've got!

I'm starting this week as if it's my first ever week on the plan - I'd really like a decent loss, come next Tuesday. I'm going 100% back to basics and I'm really going to give it some this week :) Bring it on!

Hope you all have a great day, Stevie xx

(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- "Magic Porridge" (HExB) with Strawberries (SS) and Blueberries

- Jacket Potato with Cheese (HExA), Baked Beans (SS) and Salad (S)

- Chicken (S) with SW Roast Potatoes, Carrots (S), Broccoli (S) and Sweetcorn

- Thai Sweet Chilli flavour Velvet Crunch (4 Syns)
- Chocolate & Fudge Alpen Light (3 Syns)

Healthy Extra A: 30g Cheddar
Healthy Extra B: 35g Porridge Oats

Daily Syns used: 7 / 15
Weekly Syns used: 7 / 105


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Glad you were pleased with your maintain hun - here's to a good week for you :) xx

Thanks hun, I'm over the moon. I got off the scales with an enormous smile which shocked my consultant, as I'd just been telling her what a bad week I'd had, and that I was definitely expecting a gain :D I just hope it doesn't catch me up this week.

I've been catching up with your diary though, and you've inspired me to pick back up the exercise. I'm gonna get right back into it this week, starting with sweating it out on the Wii tonight :) xx
Congratulations on your STS. I absolutely love your attitude and the determination you show for the coming week. I need to take a leaf out of your book. :)

Thank you hun. How did WI go for you? xx
Princess_Stevie said:
Thanks hun, I'm over the moon. I got off the scales with an enormous smile which shocked my consultant, as I'd just been telling her what a bad week I'd had, and that I was definitely expecting a gain :D I just hope it doesn't catch me up this week.

I've been catching up with your diary though, and you've inspired me to pick back up the exercise. I'm gonna get right back into it this week, starting with sweating it out on the Wii tonight :) xx

I have to admit I am loving the exercise at the minute - maybe I had a bump to the head!?! Haha!! Xx
Same as you STS. I just can't seem to focus on it at the mo. :confused: Haven't had a decent loss since well before Christmas and it's annoying me now. :confused: I need to give myself a good shake and get back to a perfect week. Either that or I need a :asskick:

Oh well that's good hun! A maintain is so much better than a gain :)

I'm the same as you - since New Year the most I've lost in one week is 1lb, which is rubbish compared to what I was losing before. I don't think I was fully committed to the plan. Having last week pretty much off plan has gotten all of my urges out of the way and it's given me the kick up the backside I needed.

Onwards and upwards! (or downwards should that be). Good luck for this week, you can do it! xx
Well done on the STS hun, and its good that its made you super motivated! xxxxxxx

Thank you hun!

How are you? I was just about to head over to your diary. I've been thinking of you, I haven't heard a lot from you recently and was wondering if everything was okay xxxxxx
Thank you hun!

How are you? I was just about to head over to your diary. I've been thinking of you, I haven't heard a lot from you recently and was wondering if everything was okay xxxxxx

You're welcome, you are doing fabulously :D

I'm not too bad, my life is hectic with a capital H At the mo :( had to go home as had a family member need to go to hospital which was a worry! Then my uni workload is ever increasing! (looking at around 18000 words worth of coursework left to do in 2 months!) so i've neglected this a little :( and as a result i've been slacking, had 3 sts in a row now, hoping for a teeny loss tomorrow!

By the middle of April though I shall be back here regularly and annoying everyone again ;) (muhahahaha!!!)

How are you keeping hun? How is the new job treating you ? xxxxxxx
Just popped in to see how you are and to say well done with STS and of course to say HI !!!!!
You're welcome, you are doing fabulously :D

I'm not too bad, my life is hectic with a capital H At the mo :( had to go home as had a family member need to go to hospital which was a worry! Then my uni workload is ever increasing! (looking at around 18000 words worth of coursework left to do in 2 months!) so i've neglected this a little :( and as a result i've been slacking, had 3 sts in a row now, hoping for a teeny loss tomorrow!

By the middle of April though I shall be back here regularly and annoying everyone again ;) (muhahahaha!!!)

How are you keeping hun? How is the new job treating you ? xxxxxxx

Oh never!! Sorry to hear about your family member - hope that they managed to get sorted. I understand how hectic times like that can be, big hugs

Wow, you sound uuuber busy with Uni! Don't worry about not visiting us - your Uni work is so much more important, and we'll all still be here when you return :)

With regards to your maintains, don't worry about them either. A maintain is so much better than a gain - and considering all you've had going on, a maintain is a pretty respectable result. Well done!

The job is going really well thank you! I'm still at the council, I've just had my hours extendended = more money = roll on pay day!! :D I've just been reading about your interview, sounds like it went well! Keeping everything crossed for you xxxxxx
Just popped in to see how you are and to say well done with STS and of course to say HI !!!!!

Thank you, Sue!! Lovely of you to pop by :) Hope that you, Paul & the menagerie are keeping well xx
Oh never!! Sorry to hear about your family member - hope that they managed to get sorted. I understand how hectic times like that can be, big hugs

Wow, you sound uuuber busy with Uni! Don't worry about not visiting us - your Uni work is so much more important, and we'll all still be here when you return :)

With regards to your maintains, don't worry about them either. A maintain is so much better than a gain - and considering all you've had going on, a maintain is a pretty respectable result. Well done!

The job is going really well thank you! I'm still at the council, I've just had my hours extendended = more money = roll on pay day!! :D I've just been reading about your interview, sounds like it went well! Keeping everything crossed for you xxxxxx

They had the necessary procedure and it ended up not being anything serious so we were all super relieved and happy!!!
Uni is crazy, never dreamt I would have as much work to do but at the same time I love it! Only 3 official months to go then graduation in July. Then off into the big ol' world to try and find somewhere that will actually trust me to work my forensic magic on them ;)
tbh i've really slipped, not been having my HEX's or measuring them when I do, and not been having 1/3 SF so its my own fault and you're right i'm lucky to have STS!!!
That sounds awesome, bet you're chuffed they kept you on and the extra money is always helpful!!!

Good morning everyone! I'm feeling really good today - hope you're all well too.

So yesterday was my first day back on plan after my bad week last week, and I can say I was 100% on plan! :) I used both of my Healthy Extras, ate plenty of SuperFree foods, and stayed well within my Syns allowance. I'm really happy, and already feeling so much better for being back on plan.

Have planned out my meals for today - I'm taking everything one day at a time - and hoping for another 100% day. I know I can do this, I just needed that little kick up the backside.

Sending some positive vibes to you all :vibes: and hoping you have a great day! Stevie xx

(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- "Magic Porridge" (HExB) with a chopped Banana
- Pineapple (S)

- Jacket Potato with Cheese (HExA), Baked Beans (SS) and Salad (S)
- 3 "squares" of Mint Aero (6 Syns)

- Mushy Pea Chicken Curry (SS) with Pasta
- Chocolate & Fudge Alpen Light (3 Syns)

Healthy Extra A: 30g Cheddar
Healthy Extra B: 35g Porridge Oats

Daily Syns used: 9 / 15
Weekly Syns used: 16 / 105
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Vibes gratefully received :) I'm open to all help. Your positivity is great and menu looks scrummy too.

Is the mushy pea curry recipe on here somewhere?

The Mushy Pea Curry recipe will be floating around the Recipes sub-forum. It's really tasty and so easy to make! This is how I make mine:

- Fry off chicken, onions, peppers and mushrooms in Frylight.
- Add 1 tin of chopped tomatoes and 1 tin of mushy peas
- Add curry powder to taste

And voi la! Curry a la Mushy Pea :)

I often add a coconut MullerLight to it too - makes it just like a Korma :drool:
The Mushy Pea Curry recipe will be floating around the Recipes sub-forum. It's really tasty and so easy to make! This is how I make mine:

- Fry off chicken, onions, peppers and mushrooms in Frylight.
- Add 1 tin of chopped tomatoes and 1 tin of mushy peas
- Add curry powder to taste

And voi la! Curry a la Mushy Pea :)

I often add a coconut MullerLight to it too - makes it just like a Korma :drool:

Thanks Stevie - sounds yumm will defo need to try this. :D