Thanks girlies, I am soooo chuffed!! :) xXx
Morning everyone! Last day at work before a nice long weekend - I'm working Saturday, but it'll still be nice to have Friday and Monday off :)

Still 100% focused and on plan, and feeling really great about it. The fact that I have lost 4lb in the last 2 weeks has given me so much more motivation and willpower to do this. I'm aiming for another 2lb off this week, but I'll be happy to have any loss.

Here goes my food for today..

= Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Tesco's Red Fruit Delight (Apple (S), Strawberries (SS) and Grapes)
- Alpen Light (Half of HExB)

- Jacket Potato with Cheese (HExA), Baked Beans (SS), and Salad (Lettuce (S), Cucumber (S), Onion (S), Carrot (S), Sweetcorn and sliced hard boiled Egg)

- 2 Quorn Sausages (2 Syns) with Mashed Potato (made with a dash of milk ((1 Syn)), Carrots (S), Broccoli (S), Garden Peas (S) and Sweetcorn.

- Activia Berry & Apple Crumble Snackpot (1 Syn)
- Alpen Light (Half of HExB)
- Freddo (5 Syns)

Healthy Extra A: 30g Cheddar
Healthy Extra B: 2 x Alpen Light

Daily Syns used: 9 / 15
Weekly Syns used: 9 / 105
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Arghh, just been given two easter eggs! A Cadbury Mini Eggs one my mam and dad and a Cadburys Caramel Eggs one from my brother!

I am not going to let this throw me off plan though, I'm going to stay in control :)
I'm going to ignore them for as long as possible - I tend to find if somethings not opened I'm not too bothered. Once I do open them I'm going to break my eggs into pieces and bag them in 5 Syn allowances. That way I feel like I'm having a treat, but am still well within my Syns.

Hopefully all will go to plan!! Hope you all have a great Easter weekend and a nice break from work.
good luck tonight! xx
Thanks for all of your comments! I've been so busy this weekend with helping my mam & dad with furniture shopping, etc.

Have to admit, I've not really stuck to plan. I was doing absolutely brilliantly, until we broke up from work. Being at home really knocks me to pot, and I find I constantly have the kettle on and the biscuit tin out. I have avoided the Easter Eggs this weekend, but have been a bit naughty with eating out whilst shopping, crisps, biscuits etc :eek: I really hope I haven't entirely let myself down, and that I will manage to lose just half a pound tonight and get my Award - fingers crossed!!

Now that I'm back at work and back into my routine, I'm feeling really focused again. Back to the grindstone! As long as I get my half pound tonight I'll be super happy!

(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Apple (S) , Pineapple (S) and Strawberries (SS)
- Cherry Bakewell Alpen Light (Half of HExB)

- Spicy Sweet & Sour MugShot
- Cherry Bakewell Alpen Light (Half of HExB)

- 2 Weight Watchers Tortilla Wraps (10 Syns) topped with Chopped Tomatoes (S), Peppers (S), Mushrooms (S), Red Onion (S), Sweetcorn and Cheese (HExA)

Healthy Extra A: 45g Reduced Fat Cheddar
Healthy Extra B: 2 x Cherry Bakewell Alpen Light
Eeek, half a pound off and my official 1 Stone Award!!! I am over the moon :D
Yaaaay go Stevie!! Proud of you :) xx

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Thank you sooo much ladies!! I'm absolutely thrilled. It's taken me a long time to get here, but now that I am here I'm never going back - I ♥ Slimming World!! :D