Well done Stevie on your loss and your WOTY award it is fab your are doing so well and you deserve every bit of it good luck for your target over the next 2 weeks and extra good luck for thw Woty overall winner can do it .....and thanks to you a lot of us are keeping on track and doing well too x
Well done Stevie on your loss and your WOTY award it is fab your are doing so well and you deserve every bit of it good luck for your target over the next 2 weeks and extra good luck for thw Woty overall winner can do it .....and thanks to you a lot of us are keeping on track and doing well too x

Aww Jem, what a lovely message!! Thank you so much. I am still gobsmacked in all honesty, but it has definitely given me that extra boost and I am determined to keep doing well. I don't want to let down all of those people who voted for me. I really do feel honoured to have won it from our group as there are so many worthy winners!

I won't go any further in the WOTY contest as I don't meet the 'criteria'. I read somewhere on here that you have to have lost at least 3st, and you have to have a BMI of under 25 etc. In all honesty, winning the group heat was more than enough for me as I so didn't expect it, and I am so grateful.

I am pleased you find my diary helpful and that I am helping you to stay on track. That's so nice to read! There are so many people on Mini's who inspire and motivate me, so it's nice to give something back. Hope that you are having a fantastic week x
Oooh my work friends daughter works in the oven.

I don't meet the criteria for the finals either, I've a total weight loss of 2st 13lbs would you believe!! Lol. I'm not bothered though I hate any attention and I don't drive so would be a hassle for me to go anywhere far away. My consultant does a later class after ours and a woman in that group has lost nearly 6 stone so she will qualify! That should be exciting for our consultant. X
Oooh my work friends daughter works in the oven.

I don't meet the criteria for the finals either, I've a total weight loss of 2st 13lbs would you believe!! Lol. I'm not bothered though I hate any attention and I don't drive so would be a hassle for me to go anywhere far away. My consultant does a later class after ours and a woman in that group has lost nearly 6 stone so she will qualify! That should be exciting for our consultant. X

Ooh wow! There's a lovely lady who goes to a Monday night class run by my consultant and on Monday she lost 3.5lb which meant she finally got to target after losing 11st 2lb :eek: She also (rightly so!) got WOTY. I'd love to see her win it overall - she is fantastic and is always on the facebook page posting recipes and tips and stuff. It would be fab to see someone you know in the magazine wouldn't it :D x
Ooh wow! There's a lovely lady who goes to a Monday night class run by my consultant and on Monday she lost 3.5lb which meant she finally got to target after losing 11st 2lb :eek: She also (rightly so!) got WOTY. I'd love to see her win it overall - she is fantastic and is always on the facebook page posting recipes and tips and stuff. It would be fab to see someone you know in the magazine wouldn't it :D x

Yeh it would, even just someone from co.durham in general!! 11st is fab isn't it, bet her before/afters are amazing. I've dug out a before pic tonight, only full length I've got from last years hol! Need to take a new one so I can compare x
Yeh it would, even just someone from co.durham in general!! 11st is fab isn't it, bet her before/afters are amazing. I've dug out a before pic tonight, only full length I've got from last years hol! Need to take a new one so I can compare x

Oooh yes, it would be lovely to see your before & after/during pictures! What I've done is started a photo album off. It's got pictures of me from before I started SW and then photo's of me every couple of weeks or so, with my weight written underneath them. It's great for if I'm feeling down or de-motivated, I just have a look at it and it makes me realise how far I've come and why I never ever want to go back there.

When I go away in a couple of weeks I need to get a picture of me, from a side view. The before picture of me in my signature was when I was on my holidays last September, so it will be great to have another picture one year on :) I love looking at peoples before and after pictures, they're so motivating! A lot of them I can't quite believe it's the same person!! x
Woohoooo, it's Friday!! :party0011: I'm so pleased, it's been such a looong week! I'm taking my Mam to get her nails done tonight as a birthday treat, and am getting mine done too. Really looking forward to it -I love having them done but I've never had them for years and years with working in the bakers. Now I can treat myself every month :D

Last night I was going through my wardrobes, looking for something to wear for my Mam's Birthday meal/night out tomorrow. I came across a dress that I bought a couple of months ago. It was £70 down to £20 in Topshop and I just couldn't resist! It was a little tight when I bought it, but now it fits me just perfectly. I am so excited to wear it, I feel a million bucks in it!

Aiming for another great day today! Still trying to keep my Syns as low as possible so that I can save them for tomorrow night, which will be off plan (but not going bizerk!) Will be right back on it on Sunday morning - hoping that this will limit the damage and I can still manage a good loss on Tuesday. I really want that 5lb off before my holidays!

= Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Apple (S), Strawberries (SS), Blueberries and Grapes
- Banana

- Spicy Sweet & Sour MugShot
- Chicken (S), Pea Shoot, Fennel (S), Cucumber (S), Celery (S) and Apple (S) Salad
- 3 x Oatbran (3 Syns)

- 2 Weight Watchers Premium Pork Sausages (1 Syn) served with Potato Wedges and Roasted Vegetables (Mushrooms (S), Peppers (S), Red Onion (S) and Cherry Tomatoes (S))
- 3 x BabyBel Light (HExA)

- Mini Gingerbread Man (2 Syns)
- 2 x Rocky Road HiFi Light (HExB)

Healthy A: 3 x BabyBel Light
Healthy B: 2 x HiFi Light

Daily Syns used: 6 / 15
Weekly Syns used: 16 / 105
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Oooh yes, it would be lovely to see your before & after/during pictures! What I've done is started a photo album off. It's got pictures of me from before I started SW and then photo's of me every couple of weeks or so, with my weight written underneath them. It's great for if I'm feeling down or de-motivated, I just have a look at it and it makes me realise how far I've come and why I never ever want to go back there.

When I go away in a couple of weeks I need to get a picture of me, from a side view. The before picture of me in my signature was when I was on my holidays last September, so it will be great to have another picture one year on :) I love looking at peoples before and after pictures, they're so motivating! A lot of them I can't quite believe it's the same person!! x

I will take a photo of me, I go on holiday next friday!! Can't wait. Kusadasi :) ill take another full length shot like the one I found from last year, I think I can tell the weights gone from my face more than anything!! When I get on the computer ill post the photo my cousin took of me with my sash and certificate on my food diary :) x

Oh and here's to a good weekend for you, fresh start after being poorly last week!! X
I will take a photo of me, I go on holiday next friday!! Can't wait. Kusadasi :) ill take another full length shot like the one I found from last year, I think I can tell the weights gone from my face more than anything!! When I get on the computer ill post the photo my cousin took of me with my sash and certificate on my food diary :) x

Oh and here's to a good weekend for you, fresh start after being poorly last week!! X

Eek, not long now then!! Are you all sorted and packed yet? I have all of my clothes out ready to be ironed and packed away - the next few weekends are going to be quite busy so I need to get it done asap!

I'm really looking forward to seeing your before & after pictures! :D Have a fantastic weekend hun x
Eek, not long now then!! Are you all sorted and packed yet? I have all of my clothes out ready to be ironed and packed away - the next few weekends are going to be quite busy so I need to get it done asap!

I'm really looking forward to seeing your before & after pictures! :D Have a fantastic weekend hun x

Nope, I've gotta sort what I'm taking for the night times lol gonna do that over this weekend and get them all ironed but not gonna properly pack my case til the thursday night. Then shove all my straighteners and stuff in when I've got ready on the friday morning. Its so exciting!!! Managed to get all my last bits in town today but got tempted by sunglasses and hairbands in newlook too! You've got longer to wait than me and you're more organised lol

As for the before and after, put a new profile pic on facebook this morning and someone commented saying how much I'd lost :) that's a good feeling. X
Nope, I've gotta sort what I'm taking for the night times lol gonna do that over this weekend and get them all ironed but not gonna properly pack my case til the thursday night. Then shove all my straighteners and stuff in when I've got ready on the friday morning. Its so exciting!!! Managed to get all my last bits in town today but got tempted by sunglasses and hairbands in newlook too! You've got longer to wait than me and you're more organised lol

As for the before and after, put a new profile pic on facebook this morning and someone commented saying how much I'd lost :) that's a good feeling. X

Oh, well done you! That's such a lovely feeling when someone notices you've lost weight. You must feel over the moon - rightly so :)

I got a bargain pair of sunglasses in Primark for £1 yesterday lol! I'm useless with glasses. I always either lose them or end up sitting on them and breaking them lol. At least £1 won't break the bank x
Princess_Stevie said:
Thank you so much ladies. Would you believe, I actually lost half a lb! I cannot believe it - I was fully ready for a gain, so I am over the moon!

Oh, and my lovely group members have nominated me as their "Woman of the Year" so I have been awarded with a sash, certificate, sticker and a special pen & stand. I cannot believe it!! I have shed tears of happiness tonight. Never in a million years did I think I would get picked for Woman of the Year - there are so many fantastic people at my group that inspire and motivate me every week. Every single one of them deserve an award if I had my way!!

Today has been a very good day :)

I am so pleased for you hun - you really deserve the WOTY xx
Hope you had a good meal out Stevie! :) xx
Well, I'm back after a very indulgent weekend! Not holding out a lot of hope for a loss on Tuesday, but that's ok. I really enjoyed myself, and it was nice to indulge in a little (or should that be a lot!) of good food and drink. I would love a maintain tomorrow, but I am ok with the fact that I am probably looking at a slight gain. Also, it's Bokwa tonight, so that ought to help!

I have tried a couple of times to post some pictures from the weekend, but it doesn't seem to be working and it's really narking me off so I've given up! Will try again later.


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yes you look fab in your pics Stevie hope you had a great weekend x
Love the dress! :)