Fingers crossed for you babes. Your gonna do grand, I feel it in my bones:flirt2:

Scooterboy. I looooooove your scooter. My boys and I spent hours admiring them at the Isle of Wight rally aug bank holiday. We were mesmerised. The littlest one was really lucky. A bloke let him sit on his and DS3 had the biggest smile from ear to ear. They are hankering after going back this year just for that lol
Having serious words with myself today. My Mom (very selfish and bitter woman) started a fight with me this morning. Its her MO, Cause a fight, get a reaction, storm of crying, play the victim!!!

There has been a lot go on over the last year and quite frankly if I wasn't an only child I probably cut her out of my life. She causes no end of arguments between me and my OH. It was so bad before Christmas he said that she wasn't to have any contact with our kids. Luckily I managed to talk him round.
Anyhow... normally after one of these episodes I would binge (did as a child). On anything, savoury/sweet/ alcohol wouldn't matter. As long as I could stuff it in. Don't worry I'm Not actually doing it!!! I'm thinking about it though.... Its there in my mind.... Like a great big cuddle....over the years my emotions have guided my eating/smoking/drinking. I've known that for a very long time. I only smoke in the car when I'm alone (when I'm board), I eat ALOT when I'm upset or bored (in the car again), I drink when I'm upset or bored (not in the car lol).
Today I'm fighting that part of me that needs to binge and by god it is hard. :sigh:
I'm doing this journey for me and my boys not anybody else. I've drawn a line in the sand and I'm stepping over and leaving the old me behind. Only I can make this change... For me and my family.
I think I'm going to go get my eyebrows done to celebrate!!!!!