The RD Chronicles - Bowing out for now

Well done Debbie, you are doing great. That 4lb will soon have doubled - and then you are well on your way!

Laughed at you with tubs of PH dotted around the place ... oh well looks like all your soups will have to have PH added!!

And the red top will look super - show them you mean business! Good luck!
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I'm quite an expert with the husks clucks ... they work as porrige, they work as soup thickeners - but as I have found after last nights experiment, they do NOT work as a sauce to pour over your dinner! LOL
Just a quickie update ...

Been to the interview and I think it went really well: I'll hear next week.

I'm about to go to Rosemary Conley in a short while (more nervous about that than the interview) - hope it goes ok. At least I've done the exercise class before so I know what to expect.

I'll let you know how it goes later ...
Well done and good luck for the job!

Can't wait to hear about your RC class, might push me in the right direction. Need to shift about 4-5 lbs which somehow appeared over the festive period. I am trying desperately to get back on to SSing, but failing miserably. Think my head's not in the right place at the moment, so I could really empathise with your post a couple of days ago. I just don't know which way to go. Problem is, I am not bingeing, just a couple of crispbread and low fat spread and low fat cheese in addition to my 3 packs. I just need something to chew on for some reason. I did manage one total SS day this week, and have managed to lose about 3lbs since Monday's "start", so a step in the right direction. I just don't know which way to go now though for the best. I haven't changed my ticker either (yet!)

I'm pleased you've made a decision and it sounds like a really good one at that. :)

Take Care. xx
well done on the interview Debbie,

fingers and everything else crossed for you :D - and have fun at the Rosemary Connolly session - rather you than me :) !

(I look bad in a leotard :eek: )
Hey RD, I have been away for a few days so just caught up, and I have to say I think your decision making is excellent, I really think you have chosen the best of both worlds for you.

It must have been so hard for you to try and get back on, I like summerskye took 3 breaks, and everytime went back on, however, the last time nearly killed me and I made myself a promise that I would then SS to my goal with no more breaks ever. What I am trying to say is that I fully understand that you struggled to go back to it.

The thing I am pleased about most is that you have not pressed self destruct, and taken time out to think, you came off in Nov for xmas, and we are only 11 days into the new year, and that is pretty good going for you to make the decisions you have.

Good luck for your interview, and let me know about RC, its many many years since I did and RC class and would be intersted to know how it goes.

Im rambling now, even though I want to say so much more so |Ill come back later!!
The Interview
I was surprisingly lacking in nerves as I changed for the interview. Black trousers, black ankle boots and the red shirt bought for the occasion. To finish off, a knee-length black Edwardian style frock coat (well, it was either that or a Regatta fleece!)

The weather was doing its worst as I arrived at the fort and drove across the very narrow single-lane drawbridge. The huge gates were closed and after having sat there for a few moments, I got out of the car and went to investigate. Locked.
So I reversed gingerly back along the drawbridge making sure not to apply a heavy foot to my Mazda MX6 with its 2.5l V6 engine for fear of ending up in the moat alongside the coots and swans.

I parked up and walked to the main gate across the footbridge but again, locked. I gave the colossal doors a loud knock ... it was at that point I discovered they were made of metal as my bruised knuckles now testify!

Back to the car and another run across the vehicle bridge ... this time I tooted my horn and as if by magic, the gates swung open.

I parked on the parade ground and was greeted by a woman in a red wooly jumper and an English Heritage padded gilet. When they said 'informal interview' boy, they meant it! I felt somewhat overdressed but fortunately, the other two interviewers waiting inside were both dressed smartly so I heaved a sigh of relief.

The interview itself took about half an hour and there were plentiful questions both ways. I'm trying to remain neutral but, between you and me, I think I did ok! What seemed to tip the balance was when I asked if there would be any chance to help in other capacities as well as Education - for example, helping to clean and catalogue the artifacts. The curator's eyes lit up ... someone willing to don latex gloves and clean stuff?? I think I clinched it with her at least! :)
Anyway, I should hear next week so fingers crossed.

I left there and stopped off at the shops on the way home. I felt a little overdressed in the supermarket but whilst browsing around the aisles, I passed a rather nice looking guy probably in his early 50s. He smiled as he passed and when we bumped into each other again in a different aisle, I was given a wink.
Not much you may say but it made this old hen's day!

Rosemary Conley
I braved the weather yet again to make the half hour drive to Purbrook and the Rosemary Conley class. I knew the routine - fill out the form, pay the cash, do the class. My concern was that I was going by myself and would have no-one to talk to.

There were quite a few new starters but they had come in pairs so I was the 'odd number' so to speak. However, in my gritty new persona as 'Ms Confident' I dragged a chair near two women who were also starting and tentatively began a conversation. It was OK and I think that if I were to stay, things would become easier as the weeks passed.

I say 'if I were to stay' because I'm not sure I will. Nothing to do with the diet itself - I wasn't doing that anyway having decided to follow the Cambridge 1000 plan - it was the exercise class.

It was good fun, to music, plenty of room etc but no matter how I pushed myself, I just couldn't work up a sweat! I didn't even get warm. In short, it just wasn't challenging enough. Maybe it's because I'm lighter than I've ever been when going to an RC class, maybe it's because I've been to a gym and am fitter than I thought ... but think the main reason is because the instructor just doesn't push us hard enough.

The one I went to in Yorkshire was run buy an Asian bloke called George (not his real name - apparantly he looked like george Michael when he was younger ...) and boy did he push us. I'd be bright red and dripping with sweat but I knew I'd had a work-out. Tonight my heart rate didn't even go up (and believe me I was adding jumps and flapping my arms about as best as I could!)

So, before I commit myself to that long journey every week, I'm going to do some detective work over the next few days and see if there are any suitable exercise classes closer to home.

Tomorrow I go to see my CDC at 3.45 where I've decided I WILL get weighed and check out the Christmas damage officially!
Congratulations the interview seemed to go very well. And pity about the exercise class but you may find a better one. Does the gym do classes?
Irene xx
Just thought I'd let you know that my new plan (Cambridge 1000) is working brilliantly ... I started on Wednesday at 14.2 and this morning I'm down to 13.9.

Copied this from Lizzies thread - as I'd just read how much you've lost and didn't want to congratulate you on someone elses thread!!! That is so good Debbie - well done!
I'll hear about the job next week. They said there had been a 'lot' of interest so I'm up against a fair bit of competition. Still, I'm quite a philisophical person - if the job is meant to be mine then it will be. If I don't get it, it's because it doesn't have a part to play in my 'destiny' :)

I jumped on the scales this morning and am down to 13st 9lb. That's half a stone from 14st 2lb on Wednesday! I'm loving this plan!
I'll be seeing my CDC at 3.45 and have my official weigh-in. I suppose after that I should really stop weighing myself at home but it's been useful in these early days to help get me back on track.

I'll be contacting a couple of local council health centres today to see what they do in the exercise class dept. Seems weird saying I went to an exercise class that wasn't challenging enough - a year ago I would probably have been exhausted after last night!

I'm glad I didn't go to that class weighing 20st + though ... I would have felt terrible: I've never seen so many skinny women in my life! Every other RC class I've been to has had a good mix of sizes but I'd say there were only a few women there last night who were over a size 14 (me being one of them!). One of the women who started - very nice lady - only needed to lose a stone to get to her 8st 7lb target!

I went along confident that I wouldn't be the biggest person there (as I usually am) but I'd say I was only beaten mariginally by one other lady who wanted to lose 6st. I obviously went to the class in Skinnyville!!

I was chatting to hubby last night and he said he wanted to sell one of our cars once I reached goal and use the money for me to have some of the cosmetic surgery I want. It wouldn't pay for it all - I'd need to sell the house for that! - but it would possibly pay for one of the procedures. I'm tempted ... but would feel so selfish as we're in a lot of financial strife and cosmetic surgery seems such an indulgence under those circumstances. But he said if it helped me to complete my journey and give me even more confidence then it would be worth sacrificing the car for. Bless him!!

Right - the vacuuming beckons. Catch you later.
bl**dy hell Debs 1/2 stone in 2 days, well done!
good luck for the job
what a lovelly hubby you have, i understand your dilema tho, but you'll SOOOOOOOOOO deserve it when you get to goal hun!
Debs WEll DONE ! You see you can do it. Regarding surgery is there any chance a chat with your GP might help? I know some people can get stuff done on the NHS and for someone who has turned their health around the way you have and SAVED the NHS goodness knows how much - well it has to be worth an ask, doesn't it?

Love Barb xx
Debs WEll DONE ! You see you can do it. Regarding surgery is there any chance a chat with your GP might help? I know some people can get stuff done on the NHS and for someone who has turned their health around the way you have and SAVED the NHS goodness knows how much - well it has to be worth an ask, doesn't it?

Love Barb xx

My GP said that once I reach goal he'd fight my corner regarding a tummy tuck but that it's usually people who've had weight loss surgery on the NHS that get preferencial treatment. He said this almost between gritted teeth and proceeded to say that he thought it was unfair that people who have 'gone it alone' and (as you said) saved the NHS a packet aren't at the top of the list. So it's not an outright 'no' but I'm not holding out too much hope.

Thing is, it's not just my tummy I want doing. There are a couple of other procedures I'd like and neither would be funded by the NHS for sure. One is my boobs - they desperately need a 'lift'. The only thing that's stopping them from resting on the tops of my feet is my belly - once that's shrunk, I suspect I'll be kicking them as I walk!

The other thing (more contraversially as far as hubby is concerned) as my upper eyes. I'm absolutely paranoid about them. As far as I'm concerned, I look like the cartoon character 'Droopy'. Or Paul McCartney. :eek:
I always look like I'm frowning and it seems pointless applying eye-shadow as you can't even see my eyelids!

Selling the car would only fund one of these (perhaps). Our car isn't very new or worth a lot - I just think it's lovely that hubby would even suggest sacrificing his 'baby' (he loves our car) for my benefit.