The Interview
I was surprisingly lacking in nerves as I changed for the interview. Black trousers, black ankle boots and the red shirt bought for the occasion. To finish off, a knee-length black Edwardian style frock coat (well, it was either that or a Regatta fleece!)
The weather was doing its worst as I arrived at the fort and drove across the very narrow single-lane drawbridge. The huge gates were closed and after having sat there for a few moments, I got out of the car and went to investigate. Locked.
So I reversed gingerly back along the drawbridge making sure not to apply a heavy foot to my Mazda MX6 with its 2.5l V6 engine for fear of ending up in the moat alongside the coots and swans.
I parked up and walked to the main gate across the footbridge but again, locked. I gave the colossal doors a loud knock ... it was at that point I discovered they were made of metal as my bruised knuckles now testify!
Back to the car and another run across the vehicle bridge ... this time I tooted my horn and as if by magic, the gates swung open.
I parked on the parade ground and was greeted by a woman in a red wooly jumper and an English Heritage padded gilet. When they said 'informal interview' boy, they meant it! I felt somewhat overdressed but fortunately, the other two interviewers waiting inside were both dressed smartly so I heaved a sigh of relief.
The interview itself took about half an hour and there were plentiful questions both ways. I'm trying to remain neutral but, between you and me, I think I did ok! What seemed to tip the balance was when I asked if there would be any chance to help in other capacities as well as Education - for example, helping to clean and catalogue the artifacts. The curator's eyes lit up ... someone willing to don latex gloves and clean stuff?? I think I clinched it with her at least!
Anyway, I should hear next week so fingers crossed.
I left there and stopped off at the shops on the way home. I felt a little overdressed in the supermarket but whilst browsing around the aisles, I passed a rather nice looking guy probably in his early 50s. He smiled as he passed and when we bumped into each other again in a different aisle, I was given a wink.
Not much you may say but it made this old hen's day!
Rosemary Conley
I braved the weather yet again to make the half hour drive to Purbrook and the Rosemary Conley class. I knew the routine - fill out the form, pay the cash, do the class. My concern was that I was going by myself and would have no-one to talk to.
There were quite a few new starters but they had come in pairs so I was the 'odd number' so to speak. However, in my gritty new persona as 'Ms Confident' I dragged a chair near two women who were also starting and tentatively began a conversation. It was OK and I think that if I were to stay, things would become easier as the weeks passed.
I say 'if I were to stay' because I'm not sure I will. Nothing to do with the diet itself - I wasn't doing that anyway having decided to follow the Cambridge 1000 plan - it was the exercise class.
It was good fun, to music, plenty of room etc but no matter how I pushed myself, I just couldn't work up a sweat! I didn't even get warm. In short, it just wasn't challenging enough. Maybe it's because I'm lighter than I've ever been when going to an RC class, maybe it's because I've been to a gym and am fitter than I thought ... but think the main reason is because the instructor just doesn't push us hard enough.
The one I went to in Yorkshire was run buy an Asian bloke called George (not his real name - apparantly he looked like george Michael when he was younger ...) and boy did he push us. I'd be bright red and dripping with sweat but I knew I'd had a work-out. Tonight my heart rate didn't even go up (and believe me I was adding jumps and flapping my arms about as best as I could!)
So, before I commit myself to that long journey every week, I'm going to do some detective work over the next few days and see if there are any suitable exercise classes closer to home.
Tomorrow I go to see my CDC at 3.45 where I've decided I WILL get weighed and check out the Christmas damage officially!