The RD Story: My ups and downs!

Go to the all other diets section on Minimins, find Wannabemines thread entitled Johnsons up day down day diet and there is a link to click on in the first post. I've tried duplicating it here but it won't do it Johnson Upday Downday Diet, hang on, yes it will!!!!!! Hurray!
Thanks for that Barb. I've had a good read and I have to say it seems really, really interesting. So basically, it would be 'SSing' every other day and eating moderately on the other days?

This actually seems like something I could handle so maybe I should give it a go. I know I'd never be in ketosis but to be honest, maybe that's not the be all and end all. One thing's for sure, I need STRUCTURE - CD worked for me because of the extreme structure but when it goes wrong, it goes VERY wrong. I find myself SSIng like a mad thing and then all it takes is one minor 'slip' and I slide into despair and binge with a 'failure' attitude hanging heavy over my head. I eat like a pig knowing I'm going to have to SS again to put it right - it's mad!! What twisted thinking.

I was walking the dog along the bay the other day and felt utterly depressed about this perpetual merry-go-round I seem to have gotten on.

Also, I've just done my induction at the gym to perhaps this would suit increasing my exercise by going to the gym on the 'up' days. Hmmmm.

My CD bill would also go down - lol.

I have to confess I'd be a little scared of trying it ... I'm actually scared of eating now and have convinced myself I'm a freak who will never be able to eat 'normally'.
Maybe I should force myself to face food in a limited, structured way.

Should I give it a go?? :confused:
Yes, Yes and YES!!!!! I have just been on the 'traineo' website where there are pages and pages of posts about the diet and it really does sound perfect for the 'diet distressed'. I am so going for it, it is like I had given up completely for ever and then there it is - the answer! It's taken away the negativity; for instance I was thinking about a wedding I am going to in 4 weeks time, I thought if I made an effort I could drop a stone and then straight away I thought, no, whats the point, we've got various nights out planned before the wedding, then a sumptuous do on the day. Suddenly I can legitimately factor those things in and not worry about it. No guilt. I can do this. So can you, it practically has our names on it. Go on, start today and we will do it together.


OK Barb ... I'm convinced!

I'm happy to be a Minimins 'guinea-pig' for this diet and I'm starting today with a 'down' day so I'll be having three CD packs.

Let's go!! :)
Excellent Debbie, i am so chuffed, I just feel this is the kickstart we both need and to be doing it together at exactly the same start point is brilliant. Now all we have to do is persuade Isobel ........
Forgot to mention my new start point ...

My three day 'over indulgence' cost me a 7lb gain so as from this morning I'm back up to 15st 5lb :(

I'm not expecting huge losses using this method but what I crave is longetivity not speed. I want a steady, consistant loss each week instead of this disheartening yo-yoing. A couple of pounds each week would be great.
I know I could lose a stone a month on CD ... but only if it's adhered to strictly and I'm just not doing that.

It would be great to have alternate days when I'm not thinking 'diet' ...
I agree Debbie, i think this constant feeling of deprivation and failure is really destructive. That is exactly how I feel, if I could just lose a lb or 2 a week I will be absolutely delighted. The other thing I like the sound of is the health benefits. If my asthma improved as well that would be a big bonus.
I just feel that we can do this, knowing that the diet is one day at a time and that every other day we can relax will atke away the feast or famine aspect of dieting that I really loathe.
I feel excited and positive for the first time in ages.

Can't wait to see how we get on. I have put my start weight down, which is actually only about 4lbs more than this time last year, but i have actually gained and lost about 20lbs in between times. That can't be good either can it? This plan sounds like it can be done forever. There are rules for maintenance that look very reasonable and for the first time EVER I feellike I have a plan I could stick to for the rest of my life. Lets find out!

You've summed it up Barb when you say you feel positive. I feel like a great heavy cloud has lifted from above me. I'm off shopping later to get some sensible food choices in for my 'up' day tomorrow :)
Cant wait to see how you all go on this UD DD diet, am very interested!

Good Luick x
Hi RD and Barb...

Can i join in too? I have been beside myself trying to get back onto SS since January - I basically started LL in June last year and dropped 5 stone. In Novemebr I changed careers and commuting to London meant I couldn't get tyo my LL meetings so i switched to CD - and I have to say I sole sourced up until Xmas and its been a struggle ver since. Whilst I have been very lucky and not regained any of my weight I have been in a desperate starve and binge cycle - basically i sole source every week then binge big time at the weekend. As a result I am struggling to get the ladt 2 stone off, and keep telling myself every Monday that this week will be the week that I sole source successfully without the binge. In reality I thinkt the problem is body has had enough o sole source and even with the best will in the world I dont think i can do it like before. I count the days down to the weekend so that I can eat without the guilt - seems like I have accepting that it is okay the problem is that I really do binge more so than I ever did before LL/CD.

It is so heart breaking and I am beginning to think that maybe I have an eating disorder?

Right I am now very excoted so off to read the link again and get even more excited.
Welcome to the JUDDDers Skinnygirl!

I'm really feeling positive about this ... like you, I want to get out of the binge/starve cycle and I'm hoping this is the way to do it. :)

I've changed my tickers to reflect my new start ... fingers crossed it'll signal a new, more positive attitude and a healthier approach to eating.

Let's face it ... eating is something we ALL have to do - even if we're on SS - so it's just as well to try and cultivate a sensible attitude towards it.
Good luck, girls!

I've just started CD1000 and want to give my poor starved/slipped body time to get used to 'so many' calories, so I won't be starting the updown thing just yet.

Notice how often people doing longterm VLCDs end up with the same 'symptoms' you guys have. Battle fatigue, yo-yoing, bingeing, desperate damage limitation SS-ing, and eventual burnout.

It wasn't supposed to be this way! But from what I've read this is the norm, not the exception. Only the peeps who stick to the diet rigidly seem to avoid these pitfalls.

I hope to lose weight again at some point on 1000 calories because that is not a lot of food. If I continue to stall or even gain I will begin to think I've done my metabolism a serious mischief.

I feel and look heavier around the hips, and this is very depressing. But to go back to SS-ing now would undo the 'good' of the past two weeks or so. Sigh. I'd only end up having to go through it all again.

I hope you all get encouraging results.
Hi Skinnygirl, couldn't be happier to welcome you to the JUDDERS, a group that is growing I am sure. I agree with what RD says and I have been struggling for so long it will be wonderful to follow a plan that makes normal life possible.

Keep us all posted on your progress and lets hope lots more fed up folk give it a go!
What an absolutely excellent idea!! When I am off these painkillers, I think I will look into this. Nice one Barb and RD :cool:
I've had a look at this and it looks like it's very compatible with CD but my problem is that if I'm having an 'up' day, to me that means that I'm feeling happy enough to SS and a 'down' day means I'm so depressed, I want to bury my head in a tub of lard.

Could I get used to the new terminology?!?!?! lol

Hmmm - maybe you should think of it like a light switch ... switch 'ON' (happy and ON CD/SS) and then switch 'OFF'... next day OFF the diet (yayy ;) ). But whichever way you think of it, burying your head in lard is DEFINITELY not a good idea! Apart from anything else, it'll do NOTHING for your golden locks! lol
evening R-D sorry the SSing didn't get into a smooth rhythm for you.
I think external events cospired against you.
you're daughters adventure was skin crawlin gto read,& yet what you did was a perfectly responsible bit of parenting.

anyway I'll follow the Juddd diet with interest.
horses for courses & all that & what suits at one moment doesn't necessaily at another.
Isobel you are not to bury you head in lard - do you want fat hair?
Could you think of a down day as weight going down, down, down and an up day as upwards and onwards to the weight you want to be?

C'mon, join us, you know you want to!

DOWN - Day 1: 21st May

Well, I'm at the end of day 1 on the JUDDD diet and, to be honest, it's been no great revelation of a day because it was, basically, sole sourcing and I'm pretty much used to that.
I went shopping to stock up on some sensible food choices for tomorrow ... it was strange buying food for myself!

I bought some chicken breasts, tins of tuna in brine, dark rye Ryvita, salad and frozen veg. I also invested in some interesting 'flavours' ... chargrilled spices, lemon sauce, chilli tomatoes ... because if I'm going to eat in moderation then I want to tittilate my taste buds! ;) I've even bought a Freddo frog chocolate treat to have with a cuppa <shriek!>

This diet seems to bridge the gap between PMK and CD ... 'eat without guilt' within a structured framework - could this be the system that will work for me??

I have to confess I'm a bit nervous because my mindset has become a bit twisted over the months and I find it hard to believe I can eat and lose weight - time will tell.