Silver Member
thankyou all for your support. I am so tempted to post a diary of my diet at the moment its a shocker!! i do sooooo well until i get tempted and i cant say no....and the booze is my downfall
Thanks, girls. I'm so lucky this far in my life to have never had to face this kind of situation before. I don't really know what to do or say for anyone but just 'be there'. I went to see her yesterday and she's breathing by herself and opening her eyes which implies brain activity at least although she's obviously not focusing and on Tuesday we were told to expect the worst. I'm convinced she could hear us, she opened her eyes at the peak of our stories or the punchlines not just randomly. If it's taught me anything it's not to dwell on the small things and to appreciate everyone and anything special in your life. Enjoy Christmas and New Year with your loved ones and have a mince pie, hell have 10! It won't kill you and we can all work extra hard when we go back to week one in January.![]()
Welcome Jodieboo - hope you enjoy our happy little team.
Official WI day - and I remembered to actual get on the scales this week !!
Thank gawd only official days count because . . .
I've lost 3¾ lbs which puts me at ¾ lbs UNDER TARGET!! So I'm already ON the naughty step, no direction needed.
I was 3 lbs over target yesterday so how I've lost that amount over night, let alone after the week I've had, I really do not know. :devilangel:
But I'll take it and run.
That sets me up nicely for my Christmas Holibobs and expected re-gain. :dancing_snowman:
I'll send some fairy dust through the ether - that should help!well done pom!!!! wooooooo!! ill take a miraculous loss tomorrow please if you have any going spare?![]()
Hey guys... can I join your team too? :break_diet:
POMETTE !!! oh my effin lord !!! strut yourself up and down that step lady. well done! its not heard of to lose that much around these parts! thats a months worth of loses for some of us ha ha ha
Had a tooth out this morning:'( but on the up side,dentist said no housework for 24hrs;-) just going to make some soup and takes sime paracetamol,the local is wearing off!!!:-S
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POMETTE !!! oh my effin lord !!! strut yourself up and down that step lady. well done! its not heard of to lose that much around these parts! thats a months worth of loses for some of us ha ha ha
Annya - I'll match you and raise you! My worst was 0.1 kg - a meagre 0.22 lbsAnd a lot more than some too - my worst month so far was 0.3lbs off![]()