pcos officially sucks!!! i always had irregular periods, ive never had a regular one in my life other than when i was on the pill. i took the pill for years and my weight fluctuated but not massively and i lost weight fairly easy, as soon as i came off the pill i put a stone and a half on very quickly, so i used tablets and starving myself to try to lose weight but obviously i couldnt lose it, id lose a pound or 2 but end up back where i started, but i wasnt too bothered as we were trying for a baby and i knew as soon as i got caught i would put weight on anyway...but i couldnt get caught as i wasnt having periods, i was having one every 5 months, my skin was hurrendous and my mood swings even worse. i went to doctors and he took loads of blood tests, he diagnosed me with it and referred me to an endocrinologist who agreed and discussed metformin/chlomid to get my periods going again, and i was racking my brain last night about that meeting and i remembered he wrote to my doctor saying he could prescribe me metformin but it was upto me if i wanted to take it and my doctor would have to monitor me...which was why he didnt prescribe me it. my doctor said i would benefit from losing half a stone (i wasnt much over weight at this point) but i fell pregnant, unfortunately it wasnt to be. i went back on the pill cos i had a bit of a breakdown after the miscarriage and needed a break from it all. i felt loads better, went on holiday and when we got back i decided to lose some weight as it had crept up a bit more. so i joined sw for the first time it was september 2008, i weighed 11 stone 1 and a half, so not majorly over weight, i set my target at 8 and a half stone (yeah right!) and i got down to 10 stone 4 between september and december, then i fell pregnant with ruby...i think the diet and agnus castus helped together cos my periods regulated to every 5 weeks! which is unheard of! after ruby i went on the pill and went back to sw i lost 4 stone in 8 months, but i think it was cos i was on the pill, but i started getting panic attacks and i had pnd and the pill was making it worse so had to stop taking it, i started taking agnus castus as soon as i stopped taking the pill so that my periods would stay regular and i fell pregnant with my other daughter! hubby had the snip, cos i didnt want to go on the pill again and we decided 3 was enough kids. so i was taking agnus castus, but after he had the snip and before his all clear we DTD once unprotected and i fell pregnant again. unfortunately not meant to be. and now since that last time my body is seriously messed up, ive had 1 period since may 2010, yes ive been pregnant full term and once briefly in that period of time but still its ridiculous. my symptoms are easy weight gain, hard to lose weight, hair thinning and falling out (on my head...would be nice if it was on my body haha) mood swings, stabbing pains, lots of spots. so far i have avoided the excess hair growth on my body, ive always been a bit hairy any way so its nothing out of the ordinary! and thats my history with it all really. i would love to have a regular cycle, i am sure it would help my moods etc.
les, dont worry hun, you wasnt to know

im ok with it, just one or 2 of them things isnt it? sh1t happens as they say! ive done my time of mourning, i have 3 beautiful kids and im very very lucky as i know lots of people who have pcos cant concieve so i never take that for granted.
anyway, i am sat with a bowl of fruit and a muller light. not sure what last nights little lack of motivation outburst was about, think i went too long without food, that always affects my mood!! so knew plan, eat little and often. and next friday when i have my manic day i am packing myself up a sw friendly sandwich and fruit cos i dont want to be going all day on no food ever again