Evening all - now de-smelled, friends collected from airport and we've had a lovely meal and evening with them. But I'm here now.
Now then all you tortoise losers, just you listen up here! Especially you Flabulous, as I hope what I am about to say will give you all some encouragement.
I used to suffer with endometriosis and IBS - then had a hysterectomy and gained 2 stone. The start of the fatter me. But at least the IBS was more tolerable. 14 years later, 3 stone more gained and now at least 5 stone overweight I decided I HAD to do something. My arthritis in my knees, hips and back were at the point of becoming unbearable and although I needed a new knee and hip my doctor told me that at 49 I was a bit young! And that if I lost a bit of weight it might help the arthritis.
So I tried to diet - WW, CC, the lot and bog all happened, zilch on the weight loss. The past endo and IBS seem to stop me losing.
Then I moved to Spain and decided that if my mum could lose 4 stone at age 70 using SW there was no reason I couldn't do it too. So I stole her books and just did it alone.
I lost 10 lbs in the first 2 weeks!!!!

and then reality settled in. It took me another 48 weeks to lose another 18 lbs! FFS!
There were lots of ups and downs - including a BIG up (10 lbs during a 5 week visit back to the UK). So an average of just over ½ lb a week in that first year!
I tried for another YEAR to lose some more and i could just not shift it.
A lb on, a lb off, 2 on, 2 off . . . you all know the drill. So I gave up trying to lose weight BUT was determined not to gain so maintained that 2 stone loss for another 2 & a bit years.
And then my artritis started playing up again so I decided I really did need to lose another 2 stone. So last January after a 7 lb gain over Xmas and New Year

I hit the SW trail once again.
Had good losses in the first 2 weeks again and then settled down to a nice 1 lb a week average. 20 weeks later I had lost 26 lbs and not a single gain. YAY. No big losses though either but a nice steady plod. And then reality hit once again.
At this point I had a BMI about the same as you have now Flabulous and the losses and gains syndrome started all over again. It took me another 30 weeks to lose the last 14 lbs. An average of less than ½ lb a week! Ok I had a few biggish losses - one of 4 lbs and how I did that I do not have a flippin' clue! But also a 5½ lb gain in 5 days.
So what am I trying to say?
Flabulous - your BMI is not enormous but you are getting ever closer to that magic number of 25 which so many people find hard to catch!
I have decided I will not even try to get there. Now at almost 57 my "ancient" skin will just not take it so I am stopping at a BMI of 26 - if I ever get there!!!!
It can be done - it is just bloody hard work. And there will be lots of knocks, ups and downs, and days when you ask yourself "Do I want to do this any more?"
The answer is YES - a great big resounding YES.
Just keep plodding on you lovely tortoises.
I know it's hard and I know it can be demotivating but please don't give up.
Do not let one crappy WI depress you too much. I've had weeks where I have honestly been 100% and not lost a single solitary little gram (I weigh in kgs). Then other weeks when I've been over on syns, cheated on the HexBs, had loads of crisps and I've still lost!
Our bodies are a law unto themselves. Sometimes it takes me a week for a bit of cheating to catch up. Some bodies don't like carbs - mine certainly doesn't and I have to seriously restrict processed carbs to lose at all now. You just have to work out what it is that is right for you.
But I will plod on and I will lose these last few pounds so I hope you will all keep me company and stick with me.
Now as for tomorrow's WI. I may or may not get on the naughty step! I lost a serious amount when I spent 2 days in close proximity to the bathroom but I suspect it may all be back tomorrow as I have been drinking BIG quantities of water to get rehydrated. We'll just have to see!
Sleep well my lovely tortoise friends.
WE WILL WIN THIS RACE! At our speed.