The really slow loss team!

Good luck with the move tomorrow Lou - I hope it's not toooooooo stressful!

Good luck with the move tomorrow Lou - I hope it's not toooooooo stressful!
And from me too Lou. Remember to take deep breaths, count to 10 each and every time something doesn't go according to plan (as it surely won't), and above all fix that smile in place.

And as you asked for a kick up the bum have one of these from me too. :asskick:

You CAN do this chica.
Luck from me too Lou xxx let us know how you get on when you can x
Good luck with the move Lou, hope it all goes to plan. At least the stress of it all may loose you some weight! I reckon nervous tension might loose me my first pound!

:cry:I'm another slow loser!!
I get so annoyed with those who moan about feeling heavy, a bad week , stuffing crap, binge drinking every weekend and then they lose 4-5 lb a week........ grrrrrrrrrrrrrr:mad::mad:
i'm always 100% on plan, never go over my syns, always weigh and measure he's, yet i really struggle :cry:
Hiya KimB and welcome to the tortoise team. You'll get support, hugs and lots more from us.

Not to mention lots of talk of pooh, boobs, bums etc :8855:
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Welcome KimB, everyone here knows exactly how you feel, I know you will find great support here.

KimB(sw) said:
:cry:I'm another slow loser!!
I get so annoyed with those who moan about feeling heavy, a bad week , stuffing crap, binge drinking every weekend and then they lose 4-5 lb a week........ grrrrrrrrrrrrrr:mad::mad:
i'm always 100% on plan, never go over my syns, always weigh and measure he's, yet i really struggle :cry:

Hey Kim. Welcome to our world. You'll fit in a treat. :)

I had a kfc, a burger king, 5 bottles of wine and lost a stone! Did I eck. I had a salad and put on a pound. That's how we roll!
Morning my dear friends.

Well after weighing in at 10.2.5 most of the week, on official weighing day I weigh 10.3. Now maybe I can call that a "fluck" ha new word for a weight fluctuation?

Actually, in all honesty maybe I cannot.

Had a lot of practical problems this week. Broken down car, having to miss some jobs, money depletion as a result and a break up with my loved one (now resolved) I did deviate from plan for one day. I'm afraid my brain went into overload and tipped me into full blown negativity.

Not too bothered as if I had been going to group it may have been 1.5 - 2.0 according to SWSods Law.

Welcome Kim, you will gain a massive sense of support and empathy from these wonderful tortoises. :)

Also good luck with your move Lou.
Welcome to the House of Slow Loss Kim - you will fit right in here :D

I have had a bit of naughty weekend(ish) as we had the club's post-Christmas party yesterday.

I chose a red day so I could eat loads of meat and had a mixed grill with hardly a chip in sight, but I did succumb to a waffle and banana ice cream with maple syrup for after :eek: and 3 Pernod and diet lemonades did pass my lips too :eek: :eek: so I'm probably in for a HORRENDOUS gain this week!

Unlike those infurianting people you spoke of who can fall dramatically off the wagon and still lose there is absolutely no chance WHATSOEVER of that happening in my case :8855:

Ho-hum. TBH, I won't mind too much if I do gain some this week (as long as it's not MAHOOOSIVE poundage) as I had a wonderful weekend with great friends :)
Annya that is the attitude I have I don't mind a gain or an STS if there is a genuine reason and spending time with friends is top of the list.
Glad you had a good time.
I am plodding along and I have started my diary again and it has really made me focus. I realise I must have been kidding myself the last few months so no wonder it has been horrendous weight wise.
Still I will try not to go AWOL again from my diary unless there is a really good reason and certainly not for months.
Good lord, I've just counted up the syns I've had since Wednesday morning. 91!!! I have 2 days left til WI. Shall I survive on free food and healthy extras or what? I have exercised 4 days out of 5 for at least an hour each day. Argh!!

Today has been a horrendous day for syns simply because i haven't prepared or got much money to stock the fridge and cupboards til payday on Friday.

Have made fruit salad for breakfast, salad for lunch and have bananas, apples and tangerines for snacks. OH is making chicken wrapped in Bacon for tea with fresh veggies. Will have similar breakfast and lunch on Tuesday for WI.

Do you think eating scan bran will make a difference?

I appreciate your advice!! And do not mind in the slightest if you are "direct" xxx
I'm drinking wine .... Oh dear, I'm so weak :sigh::break_diet:

Oh-oh.......... Pernod was my downfall this weekend.

Ho-hum..... new day and back on plan tomorrow of many of us it seems :break_diet:

greedyguts1980 - can't advise on the scan bran front as I've never had them, but they do say they work wonders.

If you stick to lots of fruit and veggies you should be fine. If you've any 0% yoghurt lurking have some of that too with breaky. It works wonders for me.

Fingers crossed chica.