i replied to this earlier but my internet connection went dodgy again and booted me off!
right, ill try again.
latte- i am so so sorry about your cat hunni, totally heartbreaking for you and your family

i hope you feel a bit better soon xxx
welcome lots of newbies!!
4 pound losses? by more than one person in the same week? erm whats going on please...pom-get punishing!!! lol, well done all x
thankyou all for my good luck messages

i have missed talking to you guys soooo much, i couldnt wait to get my phone line working and im so miffed its still not working properly.
move went fab, all settled already, its weird i feel like ive always been here and it feels like home already. i am sporting a hurrendous hangover today after drinking a ridiculous amount of alcohol. i havent managed to eat much today but what i have eaten has been rubbish so expecting another gain this week. not fussed as i know what ive done wrong and when i get a big shop in i will finally be able to get back on it properly