Morning my lovely fellow tortoises. My dongle is working (ish) here in this mobile hole that is Cornwall.
Morning Bev.
It's weeing down and has been ever since our flight arrived last Friday.
The rain is just starting to clear away here in West Wales - we have alittle sunshine, but it is still blowing a hoolie and ruddy FREEZING cold - more like February than nearly into May 
Now I remember why I moved to Spain !!!
I'm absolutley, bleddy freezing.
Took our friend out on Saturday for his 70th and I had fillet steak & chips for lunch. Only problem is . . . chips were definitely not SW gfriedly - they were thrice fried (oooh and they were fantastic) and the steak was accompanied by a kidney pudding (suet pastry an' all). Plus I succombed to sticky toffee pudding and toffee sauce - which was to die for.
Also had an Indian meal last night when we got to Truro which was also lovely. Suffice to say that I've put on at least 3 lbs I reckon since Friday . . .
But actually I don't mind. I'm on holiday and I'll sort it out when I get home.
Double whoops. But, as you say, you are on holiday and what goes on can come off again. Life is too short to stress about a bit of a hiccup!
Have a a good week peeps, we're off to truro shopping now as I need yet more new bras. The ones I bought last time are actually still too big
so need to really find some that fit!