Gold Member
My scales are broken, they're all over the place so I decided to get weighed today at boots again, using it as a fresh start. I weighed in at 10.12![]()
My scales are broken, they're all over the place so I decided to get weighed today at boots again, using it as a fresh start. I weighed in at 10.12![]()
LisaC said:Is that showing a loss since last time or STS?
i have had a massive earth shattering realisation this weekend....i cant get past needing carbs! its bonkers because i know i need some carbs but i simply cant get my head around losing some in my diet. Its like the soup thing, why would i have 'just' soup ? if i had salad i would be looking for something to replace the carbs. i wonder how i can change my attitude towards them?
felicity62 said:charl, I love what you said its true! carbs are like crack
Wow I've lost 2lbs since FridayI'm hoping when I do my first WI next Monday I'll have an awesome proper loss. I'm not sure while i'm doing this I will fit into this group anymore
yeah lisa i cant seelife without them, i eat way too many!
lou I can put olives/capers/coriander/anything in my sald but my head wont let me stop thinking about the jacket potato that goes with it, or pasta salad or rice salad. I believe in my head i need carbs at every meal!
LisaC said:I've always been a carb person, as a veggie its carbs that make up the majority of my meals. The last couple of weekends I've cooked big dinners that have been veg only & they've been so tasty & really filled me up!! Now I really understand how Speed foods keep you fuller for longer. Maybe try tweaking the odd meal you have, don't cut back totally, just a little when you can. I bet it makes a difference to your weight!
It must be really difficult to cut out carbs as a veggie. I had a tiny bit of meat and no carbs with my salad for dinner and I feel full still. I think carbs are definitely addictive and I read once that your body craves foods that are easily processed into energy do carbs sugar fat all the bad stuff your body apparently prefers these as it. Inverts to energy much easier than say meat and salad. Kind of makes sense really. I think the only way to cut down is to go cold turkey, then when you do have pasta you'll feel so
Bloated and yucky it will put you off. I honestly don't miss them at all and feel less bloated than when I have them
Yeah bodies are weird, as when your super hungry you crave carbs as they make you full but when we want to lose weight we really need to be burning fat, so if you eat carbs at every meal your only burning them and not fat, which is why people do better on red days usually as it makes your body burn fat not the ingested carbs. But they actually burn quicker than protein so then you crave them more, and end up eating them so then again your not burning fat stores. Making it harder to lose weight. It's stupid I know all the things I need to do to lose I just can't practise the principles! I think it's why this diets going to be so good for me, I hope anyway. It's going to make me realise I don't need it, I just want it. Looking at my kids leftover sandwich and sushi is torture tho!! But everytime I say no I'm not going to give in, I feel a little better.
Wow, soz what a speech! Pah! Xx
charl_young said:Yeah bodies are weird, as when your super hungry you crave carbs as they make you full but when we want to lose weight we really need to be burning fat, so if you eat carbs at every meal your only burning them and not fat, which is why people do better on red days usually as it makes your body burn fat not the ingested carbs. But they actually burn quicker than protein so then you crave them more, and end up eating them so then again your not burning fat stores. Making it harder to lose weight. It's stupid I know all the things I need to do to lose I just can't practise the principles! I think it's why this diets going to be so good for me, I hope anyway. It's going to make me realise I don't need it, I just want it. Looking at my kids leftover sandwich and sushi is torture tho!! But everytime I say no I'm not going to give in, I feel a little better.
Wow, soz what a speech! Pah! Xx