Annya - see if you can get your doc to put you on the gel. It comes in a pump dispenser where a full pump = half daily dose I seem to remember.Flushes and night sweats are returning with a vengeance now, so it might be hormonal....... need to speak to doc about it if it doesn't get any better - or I might just start the HRT again and try another wean in 6 months.
Lisa - you got me and Annya mixed up!!! :8855: never had a hernia thank gawdpommy that hernia sounds bad!! you were at deaths door wow??
annya welcome back, welcome back. a small gain but if your back on it then thats good!
Lisa - you got me and Annya mixed up!!! :8855: never had a hernia thank gawd
Well I'm pleased to report a loss....1lb!! Felt a little disappointed at first purely because Sunday was showing a loss of 1.5lb, really not sure how I've gone up 0.5 since then given what & how much i've eaten. But it means not only have I reached my 1 & a half st award (AGAIN!! - third time) but I've lost 6lb in 4 weeks!! I lost 0lb in June & 6lb in July, chuffed!
Anyway, I've set myself a challenge of no midweek weighing this week. I used to do it all the time & stopped as I know how it messes with my head & makes me feel so dispondent. I started again when I started calorie counting. So no more weighing for another week for me!!
Well done Lisa - a great loss for the monthI got sooooo bad at jumping on and off the scales then angsting about what I saw that I have given my scales to Angie next door who will only let me weigh in on a Friday morning (she's great at saying no.... and has had to LOADS of times!). I must admit, it has largely taken a load off my mind - except for weeks like this where I know I am expecting another gain, despite being on track all week, and would love to confirm my worst fears ahead of time (not that I can do much about it!).
I have really upped the anti on the exercise in the last fortnight and am jogging 2-3 miles most evenings now, so it may just be a bit of water sitting round my lower tummy (where it ALWAYS does) or it could be my hormones re-adjusting after coming off HRT. The flushes and night sweats have got a lot worse over the past week or so, after initially not being to obad at all - could be that?
Anyway, no point in speculating as it changes nothing. If I do have another gain this week, I am sure it's not fat as I have been running a deficit of between 600-900 calories per day which should put me on track for a 1-2lb an ideal world ha, ha!!
Keep up the great work - you will be at target in no time - so glad you have finally found your sweet spot![]()
A friend of mine has recently been to the Dr as she's been having night sweats, really bad, and she lost a good few lb's because of it! Maybe that will pay off for you one day![]()
Can i join ur group please finding weight loss is really slow. Kinda get disheartened in meetings when people are getting bigger losses then me specially when im sticking to plan 100%. Also my friend told me about a 30 day shred dvd anybody heard of it? xx
Can i join ur group please finding weight loss is really slow. Kinda get disheartened in meetings when people are getting bigger losses then me specially when im sticking to plan 100%. Also my friend told me about a 30 day shred dvd anybody heard of it? xx
Woodland girl said:Hi all
Anyone know roughly! How many calories might be burned in 10 min workout which included
Skipping 30 secs
Star jumps 30 secs actually all these were 30 secs
Crunches x 4 sets of 30 secs
Side lunges with weights
Front lunges with weights
Quad lifts
I was sweating like mad!! Lol
Any idea roughly??
Thanks lisa think i worry a liittle 2 much and did find the forum im goin to give it a tryJust to add as well - it looks like you're average loss is 1.42lb. SW receommend 1-2lb a week so you look like you're on track to me!
I have THE worst hangover ever. I'm being really rubbish on my diet this week I need to sort myself out. Stupid hormones!!!