right im doing rubbish lately i dont know why, just getting bored and complacant i guess, totm didnt help, that set me off and im struggling since then so im doing what i havent done for years...im trying a faddy diet...ish....its the alternate day diet, im very skeptical, btu i need to break this damn addiction to food i have, so the down days where i have 500 cals will do me good...then i have an up day of 2000 the next day, apparently it keeps your metabolism going and doesnt send your body into starvation, it tells you not to over eat on the up day cos you 'can' so im going to keep track of my cals on this day too and stick to 2000, which actually isnt hard to reach 2000 once youve had breakfast dinner and tea, and ill just see how i get on. i refuse to do the up down dance with my weight for another 6 months, its too depressing. i will let you know how it goes.