Silver Member
go lisa go!!!!!!!! well done
Well done Lisa!! Are you having a nice week with your cousin and her littleun?? I think you said you were going out for a nice meal today with just the 2 of you, hope it makes you feel happy again. xx
LisaC said:Actually no it hasn't been great. It's nice having the girls & noise for a change but im in such a bad way right now. I'm just crying all the time. I feel like I've gone into a depression again so going to have to consider what to do x
Hugs Lisa. Depression is awful I hope you manage to get some help for it xxx
Yeah Lou! Is that with the fasting ?
Woodland girl said:Well done Lou! Yes, I am pleased with how it is going for me too and it's easier being good on just some days! Lol
Yep - trying to sort my mum's LARGE 3-bed semi out to move her to a SMALL 1-bed apartment!!! :cry:HEY! I'd been wondering where you had been! Its been ages since you've been hereHave you been back in the UK?
Be prepared for a BIGGISH gain. When people come off CD SS to go to to CD 850 or 1000 the average gain is 4-5 lbs in the first week.I love SW, I think I'll always food optimise in my head now, just can't wait to get back on the plan, well my own SW which means cal counting too, going to stick to red days now, as I don't really want to eat carbs anymore. Its my 6th refeed day from slim and save, and going well, I keep cheating a little though, but nothing bad, just a little extra protein or veg, which I don't really mind. I'm prepared for a little gain but I know its not fat, its just glycogen and water being replenished, so if the scales go up a little its no biggie.
Mum and I shared one of those egg & potato salads between us with a packet of ham and we were both full. They are a good size.I don't think I could go back to overeating now, today I had a Sainsburys potato and egg salad and some bbq chicken for lunch and was so full after, which had the tiniest bit of potato in, I can't imagine having a massive portion of carbs again. I have bread today for the first time in 4 weeks, for some reason I don't want it though, I think its because breads always been something I've struggled to control my cravings, so now I'm not craving it, I don't really want to have some then start again. I'm also getting a bit paranoid about cals, I've had 1040 today and it seems like so many after so few, so definitely going to be able to control my intake of everything, hope I don't ruin it all on holiday though, and just act like a pig. Although thai food is pretty healthy and I can make good choices. Booze though, hmm, no drink for 4 weeks, and I haven't missed it at all, I'll probably be hammered after 1! xx