As usual, coming on here makes me feel all warm inside. You guys are just so supportive of each other, it's just brilliant - restores your faith in the world! Even people who are feeling a bit less than fantastic...stick with it, I promise you - I had almost 2 months of either STS or losing 1/2 pound on EE, but recently I've been losing a pound a week...doing a few Red days, and it's been working better.
Lost 1lb this week, which I'm really pleased about, and am 1/2 lb away from my stone award, which is amazing!
BUT I am proof that when it feels like you're at a brick wall, you can PUSH THROUGH it if you trust the plan, keep counting your syns, and get back on the wagon if you fall off (and, if you do fall off, enjoy the fall!). I was so annoyed before, to only lose half a pound a week, it was going to take me 1.5 years or something to get to target. ARGH!
But now I seem to have turned a bit of a corner (still only 1lb a week, mind you!!!) so I will see how long that lasts!!
To be honest, I am eating fewer carbs than the plan says, even if I have an EE day, I'll still limit my carbs a bit, but hey, that works for me. Other people can eat mountains of pasta on Green days and still lose, so whatever floats your boat.
I still have a way to go, but I'm feeling quite positive today so thought I'd share with those a bit down in the dumps...because, when I was feeling rubbish, I came here, and your support meant so much!
You CAN do it and WILL do it, even if SUPER SLOWLY!
It's what this group is for
ps. Sorry I've been rubbish at being on the forum recently, just been so busy for some reason! Will try and be better this next week!
Lost 1lb this week, which I'm really pleased about, and am 1/2 lb away from my stone award, which is amazing!
BUT I am proof that when it feels like you're at a brick wall, you can PUSH THROUGH it if you trust the plan, keep counting your syns, and get back on the wagon if you fall off (and, if you do fall off, enjoy the fall!). I was so annoyed before, to only lose half a pound a week, it was going to take me 1.5 years or something to get to target. ARGH!
But now I seem to have turned a bit of a corner (still only 1lb a week, mind you!!!) so I will see how long that lasts!!
To be honest, I am eating fewer carbs than the plan says, even if I have an EE day, I'll still limit my carbs a bit, but hey, that works for me. Other people can eat mountains of pasta on Green days and still lose, so whatever floats your boat.
I still have a way to go, but I'm feeling quite positive today so thought I'd share with those a bit down in the dumps...because, when I was feeling rubbish, I came here, and your support meant so much!
You CAN do it and WILL do it, even if SUPER SLOWLY!
It's what this group is for
ps. Sorry I've been rubbish at being on the forum recently, just been so busy for some reason! Will try and be better this next week!