the shame of being me

Oh Cherry you sound like you're giving up hun. PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP TRYING! Have you ever thought about Motivation Clinic? A friend lost a lot of weight through that and has changed her life in every way. It's a bit on the expensive side but it's a one to one consultation each time and they really concentrate on the psychological side of things. xx
Cherry you haven't realised that you are actually taking control because you want to change! That's the first step :) how about using the tracker it's scary to see what cals things have and it's stopped me cheating x x x
Or write down what your eating in a diary with the cals.... thats when i started losing (Before LT) as i honestly didnt realise what i ate!!! x
We're right behind ya Cherry, we've all been through times where we think "What's the point, I'd rather just stuff my face and be ?? happy". You owe it to yourself to be truly happy in yourself so keep at it and all the other stuff will follow, you'll see! Chin up hun xx
Well Done Cherry for not giving up :D ...step 1 taken :)

Baby steps and they soon mount up to a great distance. x x x keep strong x x x
The choice is yours honey x. Hope your keeping well x x x
half of me thinks to tell you "no time like the present" but its up to you honey this time of year does make it trickier than normal i think, so many temptations, do you think you could do it over christmas or would you stop for christmas ??
I don't want to tell you what to do, i can only say what i would do... I would wait until after crimbo when there is less temptations, new year, new start, fresh determination etc etc, thats just what i would do, you need to do what you want to do my sweet x