The Sliminators - Team 5

Hey Indian, good to see you on here!!!

I've had my weight taken today so next week will be my first official WI. I've put 8lbs on since Oct so feeling ok with that and no doubt I can get that off plus some more by March for my holiday :)
Well done wannabe thats a great loss in 2 weeks.

I had a lovely weekend away with my oh and did enjoy myself so now im back on it but not looking forward to weigh in wednesday.

have a good weekend everyone
Hey guys, good to see everyone's around and posting :D

I've had a good day today and been too busy to think about food. Have a friend coming over tonight to talk about our holiday (looking to book it this week) and I'm really excited about it - it will be nice to get away after finishing my Masters, I certainly need a break!

Feeling goood, wish I could bottle up my positivity for a moment when I feel down! Hope everyone else has had a good day dietwise and generally

:) x
HI guys! Ignore the time! I'm taking a quick break in my late night essay-ing, to say Hi!

How are you all doing?

Where's the holiday and what was the Masters, Wanna? How exciting! Congratulations!

I only finished a post grad course in the summer, and started another one straight after - foolish really, cause this year I don't seem to have the same level of motivation for it (hence the late nights now...)

I could do with a holiday! (or at least a night's desent kip! - better get on with it then, I suppose....)

Night x


You were up late or early - not sure!

Sorry to let the team down but 0lb off when I got weighed last night :cry:
Very upset about no loss and sorry to let everyone down.
Aww hun don't worry, you haven't let us down - just think, you're gonna have such a great loss next week once the water + extra has left your system :) you can do it!!

Enough, I'm still doing my Masters, finish in May (which is when we'll go on holiday) - in Social Work.

Having a good week so far, went out for my mum's birthday dinner last night, had been quite worried about it, but needn't have been - I stuck to chicken wrapped in parma ham, with melted mozzerella and replaced the chips with a green leafy salad. It came with a BBQ relish and I must admit I did have it despite the sugar that must have been in it, but the food wouldn't have been too nice without it!

Stuck to water and coffee, and as far as I'm aware it didn't kick me outta ketosis, so all is good! I didn't even feel miserable when my mum ordered my favourite dessert for pudding - not even for a second did I wish I could have some... I just felt great for having been able to be there with them. That was the first time I realised that I have now got to the point in this restart that I don't need food... not emotionally, not physically. I can take it or leave it.

Hope I can take this feeling forwards for when I refeed. We shall have to see how I cope without the shelter of ketosis!

Am weighing in on Monday officially (so it will have been almost 9 days between WIs) as I am away this weekend. Will hop on Wii fit tomorrow and use that as my weekly WI on here though, otherwise I won't have a reading for the week.

See ya tomorrow

Hi All

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Iv been poorly. Not had a cold for well over a year and its unlike me to be unwell (just dont have time).

Friday was a bad day and felt I needed to feed my cold to start feeling better. I didnt do anything too bad and got through the weekend with a lot of fluids and rest. Didnt even fancy my shakes.

Weigh in early tomorrow so will see if the scales like me this week.

I do look a mess though! Need to kick this cold.:wave_cry:
Hi gang,

I'm back from my weekend away in London - it was fab, we did all the touristy stuff and I had a great time. Confession to make though, I took the weekend off-plan... but am pleased to report I'm back on track today :) and am actually really glad - felt so bloated and full at the weekend, even though I didn't eat much at all!

Am not getting weighed until Thursday as I didn't think there was much point weighing in tonight after the weekend off, so hopefully by Thursday any glycogen/water will have fallen away and we'll see the few lbs I'd lost by Friday gone plus an extra one or two :)

How are you feeling now icandoit? Any better? x
Hi folks!

Sorry I've been away since last week - sounds like I'm not the only one to have trayed from the rails a little in recent days.. what a strange weekend I had..

split up with my ex in Oct, and met my new partner the same weekend (I'd have prefered a bit of time between, but as soon as we were back in touch - first ever boyfriend from when I was seventeen- we couldn't see the point in wasting time! ;))

so my ex phoned on thurs evening, and invited my new bloke and myself to a night out and to stay at his (was ours) friday to saturday! When I told new man, he instantly rearranged his/our plans and we went!

it was lovely, fun, and we stayed up chatting til nearly three in the morning, and only left late afternoon on the saturday!.. but we then did all the things we had planned between sat eve and sun eve, and now I'm knackered and recovering, and my concentration, memory, energy levels have all gone astray!! ..and I've lost all energy to think straight about CD! I haven't been terrible.. drank soda water in the pub friday and saturday.. but, oddly, I had some of my friend's popcorn in the cinema - and I don't even like salty popcorn?? what's that about?

right - I'm going to collapse into a lovely bubbly bath now :)

'see' you soon :)


Sounds like you had a good weekend away.
Nice to go to London and see the sites.

I still have a cold and feeling very sorry for myself today. Got weighed in last night and another 3lb off. Im pleased about that. Went to Lakeside yesterday and trying on clothes was a real boost.
Was ready to give this up and go back to eating crap again but didnt and im pleased with myself. Im going to commit up until my holiday 9th March. Im sure I can get another stone off by then.
Hey gang,

Well I lost 3lbs at my WI yesterday - that's 3lbs in 11 days. Not amazing but it was sorta what I had expected after having last weekend off.

I have been feeling awful in myself and went to the doctors this morning, told her what all my problems were, and she wants to run blood tests on Monday morning.

Hopefully they'll show if there's anything unusual going on. If not, it's clearly just the diet. I'm going to sorta stick to plan until my bloods are taken as I want them to show what is going on when I'm on the diet, not when I'm eating "normally". Although GP advised if I find that eating relieves the symptoms I should eat. So I have eaten today - but I felt really dizzy and sick after... have a feeling it may be to do with my blood sugars (maybe going up because of unusual food).

Anyhoo just wanted to let you know my 3lbs loss and that I may not have a good loss next week as I'm not strictly doing the diet now until we've established what's making me ill.

Congratulations Wanna and Ican!

How's everyone else doing?

Hey gals! Sorry I havent been about...Ive been doing late shifts at work and been finishing at 1 or 2am :sigh:
I havent been very good this week. Ive been picking at food etc...not sure whats wrong with me. I think it maybe the TOTM due plus the cold weather or just me being naughty :blahblah: LOL!
Anyway Im still the same weight as my signature, not a pound more or less. So this coming week, I shall give 110%! Im also giving up smoking from tomorrow so wish me Ill need it.
Hope you are all well.

Misspiggynomore...hope your well hun. Im glad to be back to. This time, Im going to hit target no matter what problems or blips I go through. I have a 4 day holiday in June so would like to be at least 16stone by then ekkkkkkkkk!!!!!

I did reply to your message but then BT decided to have a rest for a couple of days and I couldnt post my message.

I hope your ok. Have you got your blood test results back yet? Do you think your body is telling you not to diet any more?

Hope your feeling better
Hey hun,

I have an appointment on Monday to talk to the GP about it, but my results came back yesterday and they all came back normal. I'm not sure what normal is or if maybe I might be a borderline for something so will find out on Monday.

But since starting eating last Friday I feel almost 100% better. I still am sleeping a lot but am able to stay up late in the evenings (past 7pm anyway!) and have a lot more energy. I even went swimming on Wednesday!

My TOTM is back to normal, I haven't had any mood swings or teary outbursts... so I think to be honest it must be the diet.

I have been following WW this week (to the letter most days with a little variance Thurs night!) and really enjoyed it. Am going to ask my GP if she can get me some free WW classes so I can have some added motivation. Not sure if she can but it's worth a shot!

So I guess this means I won't be doing Cambridge anymore. I had a long chat with my mum about things (she's always been supportive of me trying to lose weight but has commented in the past that she doesn't think Cambridge is good for me as it affects my brainpower - and she has noticed that on previous restarts, not just this time). She seems to think I am not doing myself any favours by restarting and thinks I should go down the slow and steady route, learning good eating patterns along the way.

I have to say, having seen how bad I got this time, I am inclined to go along with her. Although it is a bit depressing that it's going to take me so much longer to get to goal, I have to put it into perspective: I'm only 24, I have my whole life ahead of me... so what if it takes me until the end of the year to get to my ultimate goal rather than until summer. It'll take patience and commitment but in a way I think I need that in order to learn how to maintain... if I can't commit to a diet for 10 months or so, how can I ever expect to maintain?

So ladies, I guess that'll be me out of the team :( it's been fun dieting with you, sorry to let you down but I guess my body and Cambridge just don't go too well together!

Hope you still get this Wannab

Im glad you made the right decision for you. I went on the WW website last week to ask about changing over and the affects. Im happier eating and have noticed some body changes on this diet im not entirely happy with.
Might see you on the WW site.

Good luck and keep up the good work
Hey gang, thought I'd pop back and say hi! Ican, glad to hear you are happy with your decision :) so much of losing weight is mind over matter - if you're not happy with what you're doing, you won't succeed. This I have learned recently.

I did WW for a week and although I regained 7lbs of water having done CD I kept the remainder of my weight loss off, which is good. I re-assessed last weekend as I had not been happy counting points - it all felt like a lot of hard work having to calculate points for everything and I found myself cheating here and there which I knew I couldn't allow to continue.

So I have actually gone right back to basics - I'm eating 3 meals a day (which I have never done in my life!), and if I get hungry in between am snacking only on fruit. My meals are cereal for brekkie, a jacket potato with spaghetti in tom. sauce and fruit for lunch, dinner changes each night but every Monday I will be having roughly the same, every Tuesday etc. I have a weekly meal plan so I always know what I'm due to be eating. I have found this week that knowing what is for dinner has really helped me to stay motivate, and the dinners have all been really quick and easy to make, but made from scratch to be more healthy than my previous ready meal selection!

At the weekends I have a strategy for eating out which means that the choice of what to eat will be quite easy. I also have an exercise plan - which I know I need otherwise I will get lazy. Exercise is the one thing I really need to be tough with myself about, so I have a plan.

Monday - gym, Tuesday - aqua, Wednesday - off, Thursday - gym or aqua, Friday - gym or aqua, Saturday - off, Sunday - off or swim.

So I have stuck to the plan this week although Tuesday's aqua was moved over to Wednesday and went to the gym rather than the pool. Had yesterday off so will be doing both aqua and gym today and will probs go to the gym on Sunday before a swim, to make up for my lost day (I needed to do some cleaning so did that last night instead of aqua).

My bloods were completely normal and GP said she thinks I have basically worn my body out with yo-yo dieting. She said she was concerned that if I continued to push my body to survive on low cals on CD (having done it many many times before) I would make myself more ill, but that she couldnt recommend another diet for me in my situation as she was worried that it would only encourage me to continue on my yo-yo lifestyle. So she said, as cliched as it sounds, that the only way for me now to lose weight healthily will be to eat a more balanced diet, eat healthy quantities, and exercise regularly.

I scoffed at the suggestion at the time, but now I do indeed agree that this is the best thing for me. It's not quite as simple as she makes it sound and I do need a plan to stick to, but once the plan was in place it has been incredibly easy, I have hardly thought about food or dieting all week, and it's only a message on my hotmail that came up with a PM from Enough that made me think to come on here and update you all. Sorry it's a long one.

So it's working for me. Hope you guys who are still sticking to CD are holding firm in your resolve and those pesky lbs are just falling away. My way is going to take much longer than yours, and that does make me a bit sad, but I have to accept it's the only way for me.

hi guys!

How are YOU doing? :)

Well, Wanna - Sounds like you've made the very best decision for where you're at - Sounds great! I wish you all the very best.. Please pop by in future and let us know how you're getting on - you are officially part of the alumni now!! :)

I've been in contact with Irene, and she's asking for suggestions for how the teams are going to run - we used to have a weekly inter-team challenge, which came to an end before Christmas, because several teams (including ours) took a break.. It's time to start something new - she'd like to know what we think that something new might be..

Any suggestions?

Hey all!! Hope everyone is well. Its been LONG time since I last posted! Back on CD as tomorrow morning. Aiming to be in the 19s by the end of this month. So will be posting every single day to let you all know how Im doing but also to keep me at it! Ive gained about 3lbs since last time but I hope to be in the 20s by mid next week!
Hope your all well xxxx