Bren: Yep! Welcome to the house of fun

Hahaha! I'm good, ta! Tired after the weekend, but up for running club tonight

The better food days were going great until the weekend; went camping in the Lakes, and was pretty much eating to keep going. Especially as we didn't have a light for the stove, so couldn't cook on an evening or for breakfast! Never mind
Ellie: Thanks babe! Totally, one day at a time

Sticking with keeping my hand out of the cereal box (and possibly the raisen box!) then working on phase two after the weekend. Laptop so very bootifool! Can't wait to get it!!
Hubs and I went camping in the Lakes over the weekend. Absolutely gorgous, and such great fun!! We went up Scafell and Scafell Pike, the two biggest mountains in England. We did Lingmell too, but that's not so big. To get from the Pike to Scafell, we went over Lord's Rake, which involved three near vertical climbs and two near vertical drops over scree, that was awesome! Legs are still aching now!
Foodwise wasn't great, partially because on the first night we forgot a light for the stove, and no where in the area was serving food by the time we went out to eat. So we got crisps and nuts there, and had "porridge" back at camp. We hadn't packed anything for tea, and - like I said - we didn't have a light for the stove. So we made porridge by mixing oats with hot water from the tap. Tasty

But then it was also a mixture of biscuits and sweets, which I generally ate more than a fair amount of over the weekend.
My other sad feeling about the food was that on the second night we did find somewhere to eat. The chefs were in a rush, so I didn't ask about the vegan-ness of the only veggie option, so ended up with risotto made with cream

Felt awful. Also have a sneaking suspision that the gravy I got with my chips was made with beef stock too. It was a needs-must, but don't half feel bad, I'd done so well.
Still. Back on track! Off with running club, so having a few snacks to keep me going before having tea later. This will probably be my last run before the half, then I'll be having a recovery break after, so ticker will be at a bit of a standstill for a couple of weeks. But mark my words, I will not be slowing down, and after a rest period, I'll be back with marathon training underway!