Silence: I always love my cake baking! Which sucks; I'm good at it, I enjoy it, and I love cake... this is why I'm gaining

Oh well!
Ellie: Hello missus! Great to see you around again

Oh it is, I didn't think I'd feel so satisfied (or should that be "catisfied"... no? OK then...) and love the fact that I'm helping to give these poor, unloved souls what most of them have always lacked. Hehe, I always feel a bit feak and weebled when I think about the running too

Especially when I think about the half coming up! 13 miles!!! *swoon!*
I had such good intentions... This week, I've had chips for five meals this week. It's really not good enough, I'm not happy with myself (or my husband, for suggesting takeaway and buying curly fries

Nah, I forgive him! Anything that gets him excited about food!)
Then there's the cakes... hub's cake looks brill, I'll post a picture up! But I was so good with the mix, I didn't lick out the bowl, and only tasted to check the ginger levels. But then when I was decorating it got later and later, and I just forgot and licked the spoons of the buttercream bowls.
We had an open day at the animal shelter today, which I also baked for. The first few things I didn't touch but then as the night drew on, I became less resilient. Same last night, I was just finishing dolops of buttercream. Then I had a piece of flapjack, a crispie bun and chocolate cookie from the cake stall at the open day for lunch. Very naughty Bron
I really want to make a fresh start this week and actually weigh in. But I'm eating out tuesday, thursday and friday which means I'm going to be a big cowardly custard and wait. I might pick a definite day and just go for it. It might be weeks away but to be honest I don't want to know. Think I need to though...
Not much else going on; cattery mostly taking up my time

Anything that gets me out of this house is great. It's not so much the house as the inlaws, my MIL is starting to wind me up again. But it's fine, we're out again tomorrow and she'll be starting work again. Can't wait to move out...
On friday, we had a pig farmer turn up at the cattery. Didn't ring in advance, just turned up! With him was a tiny kitten that had fallen into his slurry pit. Poor thing was ferral, only 3 weeks old and eating solid food. We've called him Noah

He's doing well, put poor thing did not smell good when he came in! Got a mother come in today with her kittens, the babies must be about a week old, I've never seen kittens so small before!
Anyway, enough crazy cat lady! I'm going to get a shower, so catch you all later!