The start of something good!

Day 101 & 102


Tuesday was the longest day - was at an event all day, either presenting or running the stand. Spoke to lots of nice people, but was shattered at the end of it all. The hardest part was finding somewhere, or someone who could fill up my water bottle! Never thought I would have to find a manager to get that sort of thing done.

Wednesday was OK at work, but afterwards I went to do a BJJ class I was a little shaky whilst waiting for the kids to finish their class, but everyone was really nice and friendly it soon passed and was replaced by shear and utter exhaustion. The teacher came over and asked if I have asthma my breathing was so loud and rapid! I don't, was my response, I am just fat and unfit!

I had a lovely time, and am going to go once a week for the next few weeks, as my weight goes down and my fitness increases I will think about adding another class. I am covered in bruises now though, there isn't any hitting involved, it is all about submissions and chokes, but I have so much soft tissue (i.e. fat) that i bruise really easily. Lots of hot showers and long sleeves I think!

Food wise, I am still plodding along with my 3 packs a day and one meal, the size of which varies from SS+ levels to 810 levels depending on where I am and what I am doing.

Hoping for a good loss at the weekend, but as long as it is a loss then it is worthwhile.

Love Cxx
Hi Clair,

Good attitude re: weight loss.

Your mentioning getting bruised, reminded me of when my sister wanted to learn karate. She signed up for karate classes and because she is only about 5 feet tall and weighs about 8 stone, they put her in with the kids! The kids loved beating up on adult -- plus, the fact that she was an Air Force officer made it all the better. ;) She told me it was humiliating getting her butt beat by 12 year olds!

I hope you have a good day tomorrow at work. And, I am surprised that they did not have water readily available.

Day 103, 104 & 105


The end of the week was OK, a whole load of "urgent" work appeared on my desk, but I just made a cup of tea and got on with prioritising the massive To Do list I have on the go. I am getting much better at just shrugging it off and not winding myself up into a state, that then results in a massive trip to M&S Food and a huge binge. Didn't help me or anyone else. Now a cup of tea and a shake is the worse that happens!

My weigh-in today was great - 7lbs. that makes 13lbs in the last 4 weeks, I have shown myself that even with the period issues and the minimal weightloss that happens when that does, over a 4 week span it evens itself out.

My average is now back to 4lbs, up from last week.

This week is going to be a hard one, but I have BJJ classes to look forward to and there is nothing like squashing a big muscle-bound man into submission to cheer me up!

Off to bed now

Love Cx
Wow Clair --

According to your stats you have lost 60 pounds! You've hit the 5 stone mark in losses! Amazing.

Good on you for learning to handle the work stress.

Days 106 to 121


Things have been a bit hectic around here, so I haven't deliberately been ignoring you Minimins.

Update on weight loss is a bit weird, I have had toilet and period problems again so just a mere 2lbs gone since but am confident that once things sort themselves out a big loss will follow.

More importantly (!) after just 5 classes back at my BJJ - I some how ended up competing at the British competition and I won my weight category and came second in the open weight category. I am so very proud of myself as I kept my head and although I was completely un-fit and out of shape and not fuelled by carbs I tried by best and didn't give up.

I am back training twice a week and will take it slowly at each session as I have noticed that it isn't so much the energy I lack being on this diet, but the recovery time I need is greatly extended.

Off to catch up on the rest of your happenings now...

Love Cx


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Congrats ClairBear --

That is awesome. Wow! To have just started back and done so well. It wasn't that long ago you lacked the confidence to try a class, and now you are competing again!

Days 122 to 126


Loss on sunday was 5lbs, making my weight 20st! Hopefully next weigh-in I will be in the teens!!! That is a major achievement for me.

Been diagnosed with fibroids - but the doctor isn't too convinced that is the whole reason for the mad periods...waiting to see a gyn now for more tests etc.

I have noticed that I am very tired at the moment as well as having hormonal mood issues. Come home from work today instead of going training...cannot train when all I want to do is cry!

Off for a nap now!

Hi Clair,

Congrats on the five pound loss (a Beck increment)! I am sorry you have a medical issue, but am glad that it can now be sorted. Hopefully, you will be better soon and back at your sport!

Day 127 to 133


Just a single pound lost last week, which is expected as I had a pretty crap week. Hormones were up and down all the time, period starting, stopping, starting again, cramps and pain present most of the time.

I stuck to the packs and meal but had an extra shake for a few days as I was fighting the hormonal carb urge.

Hopefully the next few days and weeks will even out and I will be back to my 4lb a week average, don't even want to do the maths to find out what it is at the moment.

Love Cx
Just been reading your diary and I think you are doing AMAZING! :)
Hi Clair --

A loss is a loss and you are headed in the right direction. I have been averaging only about 1.6 pounds a week (if that). So, I know how the little losses feel, but they sure do add up over time.

I hope you are feeling better soon.

Day ??? Lost count...

Hello all

I am still doing OK - yesterday's weigh in was a solid 4lb loss...making me 19st 9lbs and a total loss of 5st average has dropped a lot, well below the 4lb a week I was aiming for, but at least the weight is still going down.

I have struggled with my period and hormones over the past few weeks and did give in to the carb urge and have something to eat, a few hours later I felt a lot better and on-top of the urges...hormones are strange things.

Got a GYN appointment in June so until them I am on the mega-pills and trying to keep the losses coming.

Love Cx
Hi Clair,

Congrats your losses are still fab. They will slow down as your body burns fewer calories to function as your weight drops, and it has also "figured" out that you are doing without the "normal" amount of calories and thinks that this is a time of famine. It becomes very efficient and your metabolism slows. So, upping your exercise or even boosting your calories a bit for a week, can jumpt start your metabolism. However a four pound loss is amazing -- and 5 plus stones off is something to be very pleased about!

Keep up the good work -- you are an inspiration.

Back on track

Hello one and all

The past 4 weeks have been a little difficult, hormones and evil periods have made me an emotional wreck one day and a snappy dragon the next! I have had a few days of eating crap, which then made me few ill as I wasn't used to it, but I managed to keep it to the bear minimum and have still lost weight.

I am now 19st 1lb and am looking forward to being 18st something next week (fingers crossed).

Seeing the GYN consultant this week so hoping the road to normalness will start.

Eating food has made me realise that nothing tastes as good as it smells or I think it will - food is all pretend!

Started car-sharing to work, which is good as it (a) involves a 20 min walk to the lady's house in the morning and the same after work and (b) stops me being able to 'visit' the local co-op!

Off to catch up with your stories now,

That's brilliant! especially when you've been feeling unwell. You must be so pleased to get into the teens and you'll soon be in another stone bracket too...and its true the thought of eating is often better than the reality!! I need to remember that!

Well done xx :D
Hi Claire,

I am glad you are back posting and sorry you have had such a dreadful time of things. I checked out your stats and OMG you have dropped 11 bmi points! Well done. You are less than a stone away from being able to add that Century Banner. Impressive.

Still not sure what day I am on...Month 6.5???


Evil period is back, but GYN has put me forward for a procedure that will involve a camera having a look around - all under general anesthetic thankfully. This is good news as if they find they can remove the fibroid they will, and they will fit a mirena coil whilst they are there. All good!

I lost 5lbs last week which makes me 18st 10lbs and a VERY VERY VERY HAPPY BEAR!!!


I cannot believe I am under 19st - that was a big mental barrier for me...the next will be 16st; then I will be heading towards the end of the easy bit, the hard bit is given the responsibility of making good choices!

Thanks for all the support!

Love Cx
Hi ClairBear!

Good News all the way around! I am glad that your doctor is taking your condition seriously and has a plan of action.

I lost 5lbs last week which makes me 18st 10lbs and a VERY VERY VERY HAPPY BEAR!!! :clap:


hi clair

ive just been catching up on your diary and wanted to let you no you have done amazing, hope you are well.
keep up the good work hun xxxxx

p/s your my inspiration to get back on track :thankyou:
Just read your diary and wow you have done so well! Much luck with it continuing, you seem so determined to do it you've motivated me as well.