Hola minimins! I posted a huge big meaty post to my diary yesterday, only for me to hit the submit button to be met with "You are not logged into minimins" and after entering my login shizzle, I discovered that my post had been lost...forever!! Noooo! Le typical! I suspect it was God of Minimins trying to spare everyone my holiday stories and general rants about "Why does homemade ice cream need to be so tasty?".
I'll take that as a sign and just post about my holiday from the food perspective.
One the first day of the holiday, I got a little baby bit slightly panicked (see post above!). I was away with other people, and everyone else wanted to go to a cafe for lunch, then that night go for a restaurant meal - as most folk on holiday do! At first I was like "Arggh!" :character00182: but then I thought to myself that this wasn't a diet I was on, it was a lifestyle change. If I went to these nice restaurants and cafes under the pretence that I was 'on a diet' then I'd be sitting biting my nails with worry about the calorie contents of my food, then feeling guilty about what I'd just eaten and in general not enjoying my holiday! However, if I looked at this as a 'lifestyle change' then I would accept that on holiday food situations can't always be controlled as much as back home. After all getting slimmer can't rule your life - that bad boy's got to take a back seat sometimes! I'm not saying let it go out the window and eat like a piggy, it just needs to take different levels of priority depending on your situation. I wanted to enjoy my holiday so I decided that I would just make tasty, healthy choices and any 'damage' caused would be happily dealt with when I got back home, maybe through an extra gym session for a couple of weeks or similar.
So I got back home yesterday and went on the scales. And I was delighted to see that I had lost 2lb! Wooooo -blows imaginary trumpet- :bliss:
:banana dancer:
So I'm now 116lb - only 4lb to go!
Hope you're all having a lovely day. I'll hopefully catch up with you all over the next few days :grouphugg:
I'll take that as a sign and just post about my holiday from the food perspective.
One the first day of the holiday, I got a little baby bit slightly panicked (see post above!). I was away with other people, and everyone else wanted to go to a cafe for lunch, then that night go for a restaurant meal - as most folk on holiday do! At first I was like "Arggh!" :character00182: but then I thought to myself that this wasn't a diet I was on, it was a lifestyle change. If I went to these nice restaurants and cafes under the pretence that I was 'on a diet' then I'd be sitting biting my nails with worry about the calorie contents of my food, then feeling guilty about what I'd just eaten and in general not enjoying my holiday! However, if I looked at this as a 'lifestyle change' then I would accept that on holiday food situations can't always be controlled as much as back home. After all getting slimmer can't rule your life - that bad boy's got to take a back seat sometimes! I'm not saying let it go out the window and eat like a piggy, it just needs to take different levels of priority depending on your situation. I wanted to enjoy my holiday so I decided that I would just make tasty, healthy choices and any 'damage' caused would be happily dealt with when I got back home, maybe through an extra gym session for a couple of weeks or similar.

So I got back home yesterday and went on the scales. And I was delighted to see that I had lost 2lb! Wooooo -blows imaginary trumpet- :bliss:
:banana dancer:
So I'm now 116lb - only 4lb to go!
Hope you're all having a lovely day. I'll hopefully catch up with you all over the next few days :grouphugg: