The story of happyhealthy's expedition to maintain!

Hahahaha. Why do we get these silly ideas when it comes to guys??
I feel positively ripped off now. My window cleaner is a middle aged thoroughly butch woman!!! She wears shorts and boots with those sort of hiking socks?? And has WELL muscly legs lol it's a bit scary.

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I feel positively ripped off now. My window cleaner is a middle aged thoroughly butch woman!!! She wears shorts and boots with those sort of hiking socks?? And has WELL muscly legs lol it's a bit scary.

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Tell me about it. Mine is deffo a few sandwiches short of a picnic if you know what I mean!!?? LOL
Legomom - Aw man, imagine waking up in the morning and going to open your curtains to find Mrs. Muscle staring back at you sponge in hand! I'm sure she's a lovely lady though, but there's few things better in life than having a good looking service person :D

Shrimpy, Squeezyweezy and Bostik - I know! It was just a knee kerk reaction. As soon as I jumped behind the car I thought to myself "What in the name of Roy Chubby brown's vest top and matching pantaloons I'm I doing down here" ... craziness I tell ya!

So last night the impossible happened! I've been able to have really good self control 99% of the time, but when it comes to proper nights out in the city, I always seem to mess up. I'm fine going out for a few drinks then coming back home again, but I don't know what it is about being in the dancing until 3am that turns me into a human food dustbin that loses count of how many drinks she's had and goes WAYY over calories.

We haven't been out properly to the clubs in about a month and a half since we had the torture of exams then I went on holiday.
I've said to a few people on minimins that I've felt that its only been in the last month that I'm now very confident that I've made a lifestyle change since I started dieting. For the five months before that, I did eat healthy, good wholesome foods but I did sometimes get weak moments a couple of times a month where I'd say "Chips omnomnomnom" but now I can honestly say I big bag of greasy chips does not appeal to me at all. I used to look at menus and think "Wish I could have the chips with that" but now I look at menus and think "A side salad" how tasty - and genuinely turn my nose up at the chips! It's like my body has finally adapted it's self to healthy eating and it's making healthy choices off it's own free will.

So I said to myself that last night was the big test because I, sadly, usually have no self control in saying no to chips/pizza after a night out and I've had a bit to drink. And guess what? I stuck to my quota for drinks (300 calories thank you very much! :D ) and even when all my friends where queuing up for food afterward and offering me their food , I didn't even consider stealing a chip or taking a bit of the dominos pizza being flung in my face! Even though my guy friends where chanting "Eat it! Eat it! Just have a bit". And through my tipsyness I recall saying "Guys! Guys! I'm not putting that junk in my mouth" And instead when I got home I made myself a wait for it.... A TUNA SALAD - all within my calorie allowance. I know, what's happened to me, right? :eek: And I'm aware I sound like I'm a raging alcoholic from this story but I'm a student, I'm allowed :D hehe!

Also, I had the confidence in my body to wear a pair of jeggins and a American basketball top that was cut short so it showed off a few inches of tummy (not in a tarty way I must add). Lots of people said to me "I wish I had your body to wear that!" And without sounding so self indulgent, that, emotionally means so much to me.

A fantastic result all round I think :D :D

So chums the time has come for me to write down my food today

Breakfast 9:00amish - 300 calories
  • 28g Scott's Oatmeal and full fat milk - 250 calories
  • Small Apple - 50 calories

Today's total calories so far : 300

Hope you all have a lovely lovely day xx
Wow, I don't think i have ever stuck to 300 calories on drinks! Even when its not cocktails, singles always turn to doubles haha. Well done! Seriously, whenever you're walking home drunk there are sooo many food places calling you to eat their rubbish! Dunno how you stuck to a salad!

And pulling off jeggings and short tops! Go you! :D
Wow, I don't think i have ever stuck to 300 calories on drinks! Even when its not cocktails, singles always turn to doubles haha. Well done! Seriously, whenever you're walking home drunk there are sooo many food places calling you to eat their rubbish! Dunno how you stuck to a salad!

And pulling off jeggings and short tops! Go you! :D

Thank you! :D I know, that's what always happens to me. People spend small fortune unexpectedly buying you a drink, or a cocktail you feel obliged to drink them! I did get drinks bought for me, but I managed to hold them for a while (pretending to drink them) before giving them back to the person who bought it, once they'd forgotten that they'd actually bought it for me in the first place. (I bought them extra drinks to make up for it) Then like you said, singles, double, triples...all the same thing at the end of the night :D I got 6 drinks into that 300 calories, and because I'm only a short fry that was MORE than enough for me! :D
Wow, you've changed... I remember when you used to be cool... lol!!! Totally kidding, that is amazing, tell us all your secret, we need to know!!! x
Wow, you've changed... I remember when you used to be cool... lol!!! Totally kidding, that is amazing, tell us all your secret, we need to know!!! x

As soon as I find out I'll let you know! :D I've got three nights out this week so let's hope it continues :D xx
Amazing job! It's great when you (all of you, including the wee drunk craaazy you) wants to stick to it!!! :D

Well done and I'm impressed with your skills of drink palming! :)
well Miss thing, I literally don't know where to start. Probably with, well bloody done!!!!!!! :D
Amazingly restrained and triumphant with it. You absolutley rock. Who would have thunk it, a tuna salad after a night on the lash. Dead impressed chick. Keep it up.
And the jegging ensemble, sounds great, especially because it was being worn by a skinny mini!:clap:
All hail the tuna salad!!!!:D Now THAT is a breakthrough! Well done you! After a skinful (albeit a lower calorie one the last few weeks), I've still wanted either a kebab or toast with jam!
mmmmmmmmmmmm jammy toast mmmmmmmmmmmm
Awk guys, you all rock :D Like I've said, It was my first night out in a month (it was exam season so everyone was stuck in studying) so 'twas indeed a victory! The dreaded pictures have been uploaded and tagged on facebook, and out of the 100's of photos on me on facebook, these were the first ones that I was actually looking forward to seeing, instead of thinking "Ohhh noooo" like I used to! Woo for confidence!

Brunch, 11:30am - 250 calories
28g quaker oats with full fat milk

Today's total calories so far: 550

Lunch, 2:30am - 503 calories
  • Steamed mushroom rice - 298 calories
    [*]Piri Piri Chicken breast - 155 calories
    [*]Steamed vegtable selection - 50 calories

Today's total calories so far: 1053

Dinner, 7:30am - 410 calories
  • The rest of the blasted quiche from the other day
  • Leafy salad

Today's total calories so far: 1463

Lesson of the day: It's all very well coming home all self righteous with a big cheeser you face after a night out because I resisted the pizza and chips no problem and proceed to make a tuna salad, but for the love of all things holy put the salad bag back in the fridge. Nobody wants to be met in the morning with a off salad that resembles a bag of twiglets

Also got my daily nifty little gym session on the go today. :D Now I'm off to bed like 85 year old Edna with my tartan blanket and my hot water bottle (I think that says more about the weather than me!) at 9pm at night like a cool dude! (so sleepy)

hope you all have a lovely night, and thanks again for the awesome support xx
So was awoken this morning by the loudest bird song known to existence at 6:30am (good greif) and sauntered into the bathroom half asleep like a one legged drunken man coming home from the pub on a Friday night. Stepped on the scales and nearly fell over backwards into the bath - I've lost 2lb this week! I stepped on them again, and they still said that I'd lost 2lb. Not believing them, I reset them and stood on them again - yup I've defiently lost 2lb this week :D

I ran out of the bathroom, did two laps of honor around the house, went back up to the scales again to double check, then done another victory lap around the house! That means I'm now only 2lb away from goal. :bliss: booooommmmm chiiinnnggggg!

The funny thing is, 8stone 2 lb (my new current weight) was my goal weight, since I read in the BMJ that a BMI of 20.8 was the 'holy grail' BMI - and this acted as a target for the (very clueless) me at the time. I however made my goal weight 8 stone, to allow of a safety cushion of 2lb.

I'm in a bit of a peter pickle though. I'm 2lb away from goal and still only eating a NET of 1200 calories, a 600 calorie deficit of my 1800 maintenance calories. I don't want to get to 8 stone then suddenly increase my calories to 1800, because I'd most definitely gain a fair bit fo weight doing that. I had a plan of increasing my calories by 100 every week, but since the scales didn't budge for me for nearly a month, I didn't follow through with that. So I'm sitting here on 1200 calories nearly at goal. If I start increasing my calories by 100 a week then that means I've got 6 weeks of weight loss left, and in that time, given my rate of weight loss, it would be expected for me to lose anywhere between 6-12lb. And that would bring me down to somewhere between 7stone 4 - 7 stone 10, which is really really too thin. But on the other end of the stick I don't want to suddenly increase to maintenance calories as I don't want to put on a lump of weight which took me soo much hard work to lose. Ah! Who thought cc'ing would be such a struggle! :D

Hope you're all having a wonderful day! xx



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So was awoken this morning by the loudest bird song known to existence at 6:30am (good greif) and sauntered into the bathroom half asleep like a one legged drunken man coming home from the pub on a Friday night. Stepped on the scales and nearly fell over backwards into the bath - I've lost 2lb this week! I stepped on them again, and they still said that I'd lost 2lb. Not believing them, I reset them and stood on them again - yup I've defiently lost 2lb this week :D

I ran out of the bathroom, did two laps of honor around the house, went back up to the scales again to double check, then done another victory lap around the house! That means I'm now only 2lb away from goal. :bliss: booooommmmm chiiinnnggggg!

The funny thing is, 8stone 2 lb (my new current weight) was my goal weight, since I read in the BMJ that a BMI of 20.8 was the 'holy grail' BMI - and this acted as a target for the (very clueless) me at the time. I however made my goal weight 8 stone, to allow of a safety cushion of 2lb.

I'm in a bit of a peter pickle though. I'm 2lb away from goal and still only eating a NET of 1200 calories, a 600 calorie deficit of my 1800 maintenance calories. I don't want to get to 8 stone then suddenly increase my calories to 1800, because I'd most definitely gain a fair bit fo weight doing that. I had a plan of increasing my calories by 100 every week, but since the scales didn't budge for me for nearly a month, I didn't follow through with that. So I'm sitting here on 1200 calories nearly at goal. If I start increasing my calories by 100 a week then that means I've got 6 weeks of weight loss left, and in that time, given my rate of weight loss, it would be expected for me to lose anywhere between 6-12lb. And that would bring me down to somewhere between 7stone 4 - 7 stone 10, which is really really too thin. But on the other end of the stick I don't want to suddenly increase to maintenance calories as I don't want to put on a lump of weight which took me soo much hard work to lose. Ah! Who thought cc'ing would be such a struggle! :D

Hope you're all having a wonderful day! xx

Im sorry, I couldn't possibly comment on what you just said, because I have been temporarily blinded by the site of a skinny mini, super svelt, gorgeous pants :D
Your pic is sickening... I frickin hate you right now!!!

Ok over it... Blooming well done lady, such awesomeness!!!

Could you be brave and maybe increase by 200 cals a week? x
Your pic is sickening... I frickin hate you right now!!!

Ok over it... Blooming well done lady, such awesomeness!!!

Could you be brave and maybe increase by 200 cals a week? x

Thank you so much! :D :D hahaha! Aw man, I put it up just to make you jealous hehe :D Yeah, I think I'll try 200 calories... maybe 150! And maybe up it every 5 days, and if I see myself putting on gazzilions of weight then I'll stop. Gah sounds like such a petty problem but when you're so close to goal you get so worried about messing it all up at the last hurdle! xx
You won't mess it up. You're a clever lady so you know there might be an initial gain, but you also know that once your body settles into the routine of more cals it will let that gain go. x