Legomom - Aw man, imagine waking up in the morning and going to open your curtains to find Mrs. Muscle staring back at you sponge in hand! I'm sure she's a lovely lady though, but there's few things better in life than having a good looking service person
Shrimpy, Squeezyweezy and Bostik - I know! It was just a knee kerk reaction. As soon as I jumped behind the car I thought to myself "What in the name of Roy Chubby brown's vest top and matching pantaloons I'm I doing down here" ... craziness I tell ya!
So last night the impossible happened! I've been able to have really good self control 99% of the time, but when it comes to proper nights out in the city, I always seem to mess up. I'm fine going out for a few drinks then coming back home again, but I don't know what it is about being in the dancing until 3am that turns me into a human food dustbin that loses count of how many drinks she's had and goes WAYY over calories.
We haven't been out properly to the clubs in about a month and a half since we had the torture of exams then I went on holiday.
I've said to a few people on minimins that I've felt that its only been in the last month that I'm now very confident that I've made a lifestyle change since I started dieting. For the five months before that, I did eat healthy, good wholesome foods but I did sometimes get weak moments a couple of times a month where I'd say "Chips omnomnomnom" but now I can honestly say I big bag of greasy chips does not appeal to me at all. I used to look at menus and think "Wish I could have the chips with that" but now I look at menus and think "A side salad" how tasty - and genuinely turn my nose up at the chips! It's like my body has finally adapted it's self to healthy eating and it's making healthy choices off it's own free will.
So I said to myself that last night was the big test because I, sadly, usually have no self control in saying no to chips/pizza after a night out and I've had a bit to drink. And guess what? I stuck to my quota for drinks (300 calories thank you very much!

) and even when all my friends where queuing up for food afterward and offering me their food , I didn't even consider stealing a chip or taking a bit of the dominos pizza being flung in my face! Even though my guy friends where chanting "Eat it! Eat it! Just have a bit". And through my tipsyness I recall saying "Guys! Guys! I'm not putting that junk in my mouth" And instead when I got home I made myself a wait for it.... A TUNA SALAD - all within my calorie allowance. I know, what's happened to me, right?

And I'm aware I sound like I'm a raging alcoholic from this story but I'm a student, I'm allowed

Also, I had the confidence in my body to wear a pair of jeggins and a American basketball top that was cut short so it showed off a few inches of tummy (not in a tarty way I must add). Lots of people said to me "I wish I had your body to wear that!" And without sounding so self indulgent, that, emotionally means so much to me.
A fantastic result all round I think
So chums the time has come for me to write down my food today
Breakfast 9:00amish - 300 calories
- 28g Scott's Oatmeal and full fat milk - 250 calories
- Small Apple - 50 calories
Today's total calories so far : 300
Hope you all have a lovely lovely day xx