I am in exactly the same situation as you and am talking to someone on the phone next week about binge eating and am rejoining slimming world this coming Tuesday. I wish you well xhi there
tomorrow i meet my counselor and tues i start the CDP. there is two and a half stone lazin about my couch that just doesnt need to be here and willpower allowing its days are numbered.
since the age of 11 or 12 dieting has been apart of my life, have tried and failed many yo-yoing up every time til i hit 18 st about ten years ago, i made a lot of changes then and got down to 11 st. my weight fluctuated between 11 and 12, not the size 10 id fancied but i could do all the things i wanted so was pretty content. a couple of years ago i went down to 10st and that worked very nicely but that was greatly helped by a big dose of poverty. once the cash flow restarted and the new man entered the picture my weight has been creeping up and currently at 12st 8. lately for the first time in years i feel like im losing control of my eating. im back to binging then good then more binging so my hope is i can get back on track. if i don t do something now it ll be 13 st then 14 and so on
im really up for the challenge but having read some of your threads know its going to be a hard road, still sick of stuffing my fat pie hole,
Last day of weeek 5 tomorrow no hunger but finding the tiredness problematic. Work is manic and any spare time involves decorating my new flat so have been busy. Luckily it’s a day of rest tomorrow so that should recharge the batteries. Going to have a step 2 meal tonight
I was looking at the step 2 recipes on the Cambridge site and to cut carbs they were making courgettes into noodles. So 3 am this morning Ive got myself a spiralizer in the post anyway, We ll see .
I’m thinking one for week on step 1 and the a few more on proper step 2. Then it’s time to return to the land of food,after that the grand reveal see what I officially lost. I suspect it’s around 1 to 1 and 1/2 stone. I ll take that
I am in exactly the same situation as you and am talking to someone on the phone next week about binge eating and am rejoining slimming world this coming Tuesday. I wish you well x