WOW can’t wait to see how you got on! You are so amazing for doing this without the scales! Really looking forward to following your maintenance journey too, I’ve no doubts in my mind that you will succeed!

Do you feel almost happy in yourself now in terms of how your clothes fit and all that? Or do think you’ve just a little bit left to go?
Omg strawberry banana oat smoothie sounds amazing! I hope we can get them here in Ireland, I feel like we are bit behind you guys hahaha. Do you like the strawberry and cherry smoothie? I think it’s my fave shake!
I love almond milk and used it all the time before this as I find dairy really bloats me, these shakes haven’t helped lol. Soy milk is much creamier and the unsweetened one is carb free, it takes getting used to but I prefer soy lattes now to regular milk! Almond milk is a bit watery for coffees but you might like it, it depends on how good the barista is

Not sure if you’ve seen it but Alpro have a new range out called ‘the professionals’ that’s especially for making coffee, they use it in costa now. It’s higher in fat so much creamier and makes great dairy free lattes - they have soy, coconut and almond I think. It might have slightly more carbs than unsweetened but I remember checking before and still less than milk!