lordy that is not a experience you ll need to repeat, glad your ok, repeating ws? surprised there isn t a Cambridge product with that after taste
do not underestimate the power of a long weekend in france which part you heading to? bet it ll be fantastic.
you would of been so proud of me today when we were out for lunch today, i was at my friends for lunch now normally it would be a sandwich and biscuit sort of affair but no today they had made fish pie( this is one of my fav dishes), rhubarb crumble, cookie s and lemon drizzle cake. i never had so much as a sniff! my cranberry bar, chicken and lettuce came with me. my mum and dad where there so all their effort was not wasted but i am feeling pretty virtuous right now, forgive me while i polish my halo, its spends so much time chucked in a cupboard
how id the decorating coming on, are there newly decorated rooms springing up all over the house?