
Sorry I have been awol. Was ill all weekend with a virus and slept almost the whole time other than having to get up to perform at a show.
Since then it has been a manic week of work, rehearsals, music workshops and sessions and gigs. Have one this afternoon and a wedding to play at tomorrow, then another session on saturday, then things quieten down for a few weeks before it all starts again! Looking forward to a bit of a rest.
However I have been 100% during it all. But I am stuck at 10.10! Am sure things will get moving soon again but I want it to hurry up!!! Used the ketostix first thing yest morn and they were dark purple! So cant do any more than im doing. Just have to be patient and the scales will move.
Am now officially a size 12 in jeans and I bought a new top yesterday and had to buy a size 12 again! Im bigger on the top, so was amazed! Look so much better. Bought a pair of size 12 white and black stripey jeans which look great! So nice to be able to try clothes on and not feel horrified and depressed at how they look in the changing room.
Need to increase exercise. Will be able to do that from next week when life is a bit calmer. That should speed things up a little.
Halfway through week 4. Cant believe I have got this far and still going strong!
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