The Vanishing Fiddler

Ooo to get to target would be amazing! !

I thought I would attempt to use the packs for breakfast and lunch then eat out in the evening but try to stick to low carb meals. Hopefully that way I can minimise any damage while I am away.

Sinned today sob. I found myself grabbing handfuls of grated cheddar cheese and stuffing it down my gullet before I could talk myself out of it. Dont know what came over me. I dont have a sweet tooth at all. Cheese is my big downfall. :banghead:

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Oh dear that's the sort of thing I have been known to do during my slip ups... a quick munch without letting the sensible conversation in the brain talk you out of it! As long as the sensible side quickly takes over again we are still winning ;)

Hope you are having a good day x
Good afternoon. Spooky, I had some M&S Cornish Cruncher the other day! Felt ill and needed to eat something quick to take tablets, no chicken in the fridge but spotted my lads fave cheese! OMG it was divine!

If I haven't lost weight next tuesday, I will tell myself it was soooo bloody worth it!! :D

Hope you're having a good day today xx
Hey just to say hope u have had a good weekend? I went right off plan yesterday oops but 100% again today and back on track for the working week! Hope u are ok x
Helloooo! I was very naughty over the weekend. But I am back down to 10.5 so couldn't have done too much damage amazingly!

Anyway, back on track. Was 100% yesterday and seem to have regained my determination again. I will get to those 9s in the next few weeks!

My new pack arrived. Liking all the new stuff, even the tomato soup! I really must be weird or my taste buds are desensitised...

Work, work, work this week. Had a few days off last week and am now on frantic catch up as a vat return is looming...

Have a brilliant day today one and all, despite the rain!
Good afternoon, hope you're having a fab one. xx
Good morning. Where are you? Hope you're well and managing to stay on track xx
Good morning! I havent disappeared totally. Not been 100% but have been messing around a little. Down to 10.4 though which I am happy about!

I have been trying to work out why I have been sabotaging my efforts lately. And I think it is because my break in Benidorm is looming. I have found before that giving myself a deadline to lose weight for doesnt work for me. I seem to panic and lose the plot. And that is what has happened. So am going to try and forget about going away and just concentrate on taking each day as it comes.

Day off today. Have a meeting with the music project coordinator to go over the accounts (I am the treasurer). Then nipping over to see the band's guitarist to show him the new website for the band that I have been designing. Later dropping girls at dancing, then orchestra rehearsal and a mad dash afterwards to the fiddle workshop session. Busy day!!

Hope everyone has a great day! :)

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Good afternoon and lovely to see you back!

Well done on dropping a pound and fingers crossed you can stay motivated to drop more before your holiday.

Enjoy your busy day xx
Good morning, exciting to think you'll be reading 9st something in maybe the next week or 2. Fingers crossed xx
We have the same target now, be good to get there with you. Hope you're well xx