The (Will)PowerPuff Girls Initiation Challenge

Mmm bread. Hope the week goes quick haha.x

Before u know it it will be Thursday Trina and all your hard work will be reflected on the Scales! X
i will be soon tend to have something around now on a sunday cus only have 2 meals
have something at 10ish then roast about 4, so start wanting a snack now!

Enjoy Sweetie, that's the last bread you'll be having for a whole week! MMMMMWWWAAHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAA X
You wil no for no later than half 7 in the morn. So its shez on weds me and emma thursday and you friday. Exciting.x

We are like a Speed Dominos of WI, once one goes on we all follow! X
Enjoy Sweetie, that's the last bread you'll be having for a whole week! MMMMMWWWAAHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAA X

haha i knowwwww!
i dunno y we chose 2 things trina???? one could have been next weeks task you know! we are silly lol x
haha i knowwwww!
i dunno y we chose 2 things trina???? one could have been next weeks task you know! we are silly lol x

Don't go thinking you get to be two (Will)PowerPuff Girls! X

You have dominos on the brain after last nite haha.x

Mmmmmmm Dominos! Do u know I technically have enough Weeklies for another one lol x
haha i knowwwww!
i dunno y we chose 2 things trina???? one could have been next weeks task you know! we are silly lol x

Y didnt serena tell us that hun thats what i want to no. I think she wanted to c us suffer haha.x
Y didnt serena tell us that hun thats what i want to no. I think she wanted to c us suffer haha.x

And suffer u will! Whilst I'm eating my bread, crisps, cake and biscuits! X and might I remind you that u started to challenge in my thread without me, so u only have yourselves to blame, so ner ner! X
Did u dream about dominos hun:p

I did and let me let u into a little secret...I woke up and half my pillow was missing lol.x